Bear Claw Games

Bear Claw Games

熊爪遊戲是由喜愛黑色幽默和 特殊機制玩法的遊戲開發者組成, 目標是製作出有趣且獨樹一格的作品!✨ 📌《 超級建築師貓 》開發中! We are a team of game developers who love black humor and special gameplay mechanisms, with the goal of creating unique and entertaining games!✨ 📌Working on: " Super Cat The Builder " Contact Us:

Bear Claw Games


Game Introduction


"Super Cat The Builder" is a 2D platform puzzle game with a black humor style. It features a unique blueprint game mechanism, where players can solve obstacles by changing the position of enemies. With multiple levels and a storyline full of black humor, players are in for a gaming experience filled with surprises and fun!

《 超級建築師貓 》

預計在 2024 Q4 於Steam平台上架,



"Super Cat The Builder" is expected to be released on the Steam platform in Q4 2024.

We are currently seeking funding and publishing partnerships. Please feel free to contact us for further information and collaboration opportunities!

Bear Claw Games

Bear Claw Games

熊爪遊戲是由喜愛黑色幽默和 特殊機制玩法的遊戲開發者組成, 目標是製作出有趣且獨樹一格的作品!✨ 📌《 超級建築師貓 》開發中! We are a team of game developers who love black humor and special gameplay mechanisms, with the goal of creating unique and entertaining games!✨ 📌Working on: " Super Cat The Builder " Contact Us:

Bear Claw Games


Game Introduction


"Super Cat The Builder" is a 2D platform puzzle game with a black humor style. It features a unique blueprint game mechanism, where players can solve obstacles by changing the position of enemies. With multiple levels and a storyline full of black humor, players are in for a gaming experience filled with surprises and fun!

《 超級建築師貓 》

預計在 2024 Q4 於Steam平台上架,



"Super Cat The Builder" is expected to be released on the Steam platform in Q4 2024.

We are currently seeking funding and publishing partnerships. Please feel free to contact us for further information and collaboration opportunities!