

經歷現在 Now as we know it

透過理性的故事&認知思考的互動 突破靜態與單點式的理解

在線性的時間軸上觀察「 平權得以持續下去的方法 」

在網狀的交織性中探索「 權益推動背後潛在的挑戰 」

Take things not at face value through the stories told rationally and interactive quizzes.

Linearly In the timeline, take a close look at “how egalitarianism can be fostered on and on.”

Seeing things beyond more than a chain of events, explore “the hidden challenges behind promotion of egalitarianism.”





Explore as stories unfold — layer by layer.

Ponder the insights throughout history.

And how egalitarianism can persist and flourish.

透過一場性別議題的認知實驗 打開新的對話 讓改變延續到很久很久以後

— 策展團隊 RE:LAB

Via an experiment on how we see gender topics, start a new dialogue. Long after today stories continue.

— Curated by RE:LAB

預約專人導覽Book a guided tour


Organized by: Social and Family Affairs Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare


Implemented by: Foundation for Women’s Rights Promotion and Development

策展單位:RE:LAB 資訊設計顧問公司

Curated by: RE:LAB Information Design Consultancy

到台灣國家婦女館官網閱覽最新消息Visit the official page of Taiwan Women's Center for the latest news.


在過去傳統父權文化的影響下,文史和地景的記錄往往只見男性或重要事件,女性的存在常不被看見,她們的角色和貢獻也經常被低估或忽略。為此,我們自2015年開始踏查和整理各地資料,以性別視角重新詮釋台灣的地方文化和歷史,藉以重現女性的生命歷程與日常寫照,也讓不同時代的女性走向前台,一展她們如何塑造了今日的台灣社會。我們希望透過深度走讀、導覽,翻轉過去固有觀點和刻板印象,以減少性別、族群和文化之間的隔閡,提升各個族群在各領域的可見性和主體性。 LONG AFTER Read through data in history how stories intertwined —dive deep into the story within the story for forces of change — to continue the conversation and practice of gender equality for women. LONG AFTER today stories continue. 開展時間:2023/3/8 起(常設展覽) 展覽地點:台灣國家婦女館(台北市中正區杭州南路一段 15 號 9 樓) Special Exhibition at Taiwan Women’s Center Date: from 03/08/2023 (permanent exhibition) Address: 9F., No.15, Sec. 1, Hangzhou S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City (Taiwan Women’s Center)

經歷現在 Now as we know it

透過理性的故事&認知思考的互動 突破靜態與單點式的理解

在線性的時間軸上觀察「 平權得以持續下去的方法 」

在網狀的交織性中探索「 權益推動背後潛在的挑戰 」

Take things not at face value through the stories told rationally and interactive quizzes.

Linearly In the timeline, take a close look at “how egalitarianism can be fostered on and on.”

Seeing things beyond more than a chain of events, explore “the hidden challenges behind promotion of egalitarianism.”





Explore as stories unfold — layer by layer.

Ponder the insights throughout history.

And how egalitarianism can persist and flourish.

透過一場性別議題的認知實驗 打開新的對話 讓改變延續到很久很久以後

— 策展團隊 RE:LAB

Via an experiment on how we see gender topics, start a new dialogue. Long after today stories continue.

— Curated by RE:LAB

預約專人導覽Book a guided tour


Organized by: Social and Family Affairs Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare


Implemented by: Foundation for Women’s Rights Promotion and Development

策展單位:RE:LAB 資訊設計顧問公司

Curated by: RE:LAB Information Design Consultancy

到台灣國家婦女館官網閱覽最新消息Visit the official page of Taiwan Women's Center for the latest news.