熠熠 Yi Yi








In 2023, the Graduation Exhibition of National Tsing Hua University, Department of Arts and Design, focused on the “meaning” and “engagement” in creation. Looking back to 2019, covid-19 took over our campus life. It also changed the way we learn in traditional space, pushing us back to a more introspective, independent lifestyle.

How many steps does it take to complete a work? Perhaps we have grown without even noticing through those scattered paper and casual sketches. If fire (火) is an immediate splendor, then practice (習), for us, is a process of effort, failure, repetition, and renewal.

In Greek Mythology, Prometheus stole the fire from gods and brought it to human beings, sacrificing himself to the civilization of humans. Though we are not as heroic as the story, we still worked day and night, forming a net to catch the immediate spark of creativity.

Therefore, we named the exhibition " Yi Yi (熠熠) ", symbolizing the end of our undergraduate studies, and the beginning of our future journey. We organize the results during the past four years, hoping that in the future, we can also be reborn in the fire, growing into a better version of ourselves.


  • 油畫類
  • 水彩類
  • 版畫類
  • 膠彩類
  • 複合媒材類
  • 新媒體藝術類

Exhibition content

  • Oil paintings
  • Watercolor paintings
  • Printmaking
  • Japanese mineral pigment paintings
  • Mixed media
  • New media art