

The website is temporarily unavailable due to changes in our domain and hosting service. Please contact us via email, or direct message on Facebook, Instagram, or X if you encounter any issues with email communication. We plan to relaunch the website in late April. Thank you for your understanding.

Season, Price and Service
Season, Price and ServiceFor Tailor-made & Fixed Itinerary Tours
1 Day Tour in Taipei500+ USD for 1 day
Operated with Wildman International Travel and Tours Co., LTD.


Local bird 🦅guides in 🇹🇼 where is good for your first trip in Asia ⭐️. No 🚫 leeches, rabies, malaria and so on. Border is open. Website is down sorry.

The website is temporarily unavailable due to changes in our domain and hosting service. Please contact us via email, or direct message on Facebook, Instagram, or X if you encounter any issues with email communication. We plan to relaunch the website in late April. Thank you for your understanding.

Season, Price and Service
Season, Price and ServiceFor Tailor-made & Fixed Itinerary Tours
1 Day Tour in Taipei500+ USD for 1 day
Operated with Wildman International Travel and Tours Co., LTD.