穿越歷史的時光隧道,見證臺灣在經濟發展中,女性扮演著不可或缺的關鍵角色。 Let’s travel back in time to witness the significant role women have played in Taiwan’s economic development. 開展時間:2024/3/8 起(常設展覽) 展覽地點:台灣國家婦女館 (台北市中正區杭州南路一段 15 號 9 樓) Special Exhibition at Taiwan Women’s Center Date: from 03/08/2024 (permanent exhibition) Address: 9F., No.15, Sec. 1, Hangzhou S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City (Taiwan Women’s Center)

枷鎖:女性邁到的困境 😗😗




在 1980 年代,「單身條款」或是「禁孕條款」這類條款是存在許多職場的內規,甚至是明文規範,要求女性員工年滿 30 歲或是結婚、懷孕必須自動離職,1987 年 8 月,在國父紀念館解僱的女服務員集體出面控訴後,才引起大眾的關注及議論,不僅讓社會意識到性別歧視的存在,也促成了保障女性工作權益的法律改革。



根據勞動部資料,臺灣女性勞動力參與率在 25 到 29 歲時達到高峰,過了 30 歲就開始下滑。其背後原因為女性因為婚姻、育兒、照顧家人等因素無法兼顧工作,只好放棄職場工作。

The Difficulties Women Face in Economic Participation

It’s not hard to notice, through everyday sayings, that women are constrained by traditional social values, influencing their careers and impacting Taiwan’s economic development.

The Myth of “Men as Hunter, Women as Gatherer.”

Leaving the Job once Married or Pregnant

Burning the Candle at Both Ends: Juggling Career and Family



隨著女性教育程度提升、社會環境改變,臺灣的女性勞動參與率穩步提升,在 25 至 29 歲階段的女性勞參率更是直逼 9 成(89.53%),這顯示,臺灣年輕女性在面對生涯選擇時較前幾世代擁有更多可能性,且越來越多女性願意投入各行各業。


根據勞動部的統計顯示,2022 年臺灣性別薪資差距為 15.8%,相較十年前 2012 年的 16.6%,下降了 0.8%。歷年來,我國性別薪資差距相較美、日、韓等國均較小,但相較歐盟(10.8%)或 OECD 國家(12.1%)仍有努力的空間。

Statistics of Women’s Situation in the Labor Market

Increased Female Labor Force Participation

As women’s education levels rise and the social environment evolves, the labor force participation rate of women in Taiwan has shown a steady increase, from 46.59% in 2002 to 51.61% in 2022. Let’s compare the rates of women between 25-29 across different countries in 2022, it is easy to see that Taiwan’s participation rate of women under 40 exceeds 80%, especially the age group of 25 to 29, where the figure is nearly 90% (89.53%),

Narrowed Gender Pay Gap

According to the Ministry of Labor statistics, Taiwan’s gender pay gap was 15.8% in 2022, a decrease of 0.8% from the 16.6% reported in 2012. Over the years, the average gender pay gap in Taiwan has been narrower than that in the U.S., Japan, and South Korea. However, when compared to the EU (10.8%) or OECD countries (12.1%), there is still room for improvement.

Despite the fact that progress has been made in closing the wage gap, women in Taiwan still need to work an average of 58 extra days to achieve an equivalent salary level as men (the Equal Pay Day in Taiwan in 2023 was February 27).

突破:看見經濟發展史中的女性  Women’s Different Roles in the History of Economic Development
突破:看見經濟發展史中的女性 Women’s Different Roles in the History of Economic Development



1960 年代,隨著外資大量進入,臺灣的產業由農業轉向工業社會,加工出口區的建立讓大批為改善家庭經濟的農村女孩踏入都市。

1970 年代,為了提高製造業生產力,政府推動「客廳即工廠」政策,許多家庭代工應運而生,原本女性運用於居家勞動的裁縫技術,逐漸轉變為支撐經濟的產業技能。

1990 年代,臺灣的產業型態再度轉變,女性工作人口逐漸從工廠移出,轉向蓬勃興起的服務業。進入 21 世紀,女性的職業選擇和就業機會更加自由與多樣,除了在職場發展,他們也積極參與創業,擁有獨立的經濟實力和競爭力。


Women’s Different Roles in the History of Economic Development

Looking back, women’s pursuits of labor dignity are important chapters of Taiwan’s economic history.

In the 1960s, with a massive influx of foreign capital, Taiwan shifted from an agricultural society to an industrial one. With the establishment of Export Processing Zones, a huge number of younger women from rural areas enter the cities seeking to improve their families’ financial well-being.

In the 1970s, the government introduced the “Living Room as Factory” policy to boost manufacturing productivity, which led to the emergence of family-based original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). The tailoring skills initially used by women for home-based work gradually evolved into industrial skills that played a crucial role in supporting the economy.

In the 1990s, Taiwan’s industrial structure experienced another change, and the female workforce transitioned from factories to the flourishing service industry. Entering the 21st century, women’s career choices and employment opportunities have become more diverse. In addition to traditional employment in companies, women have also been actively engaged in entrepreneurship, demonstrating economic independence and competitiveness.

As technological advancements lead to numerous social changes, women’s active involvement in the field of science and technology also stands out as a significant part of this transformation. Women have become key drivers of innovation and have brought a more diverse and inclusive mindset to the realm of science and technology.

開門:突破框架的女性  Women Breaking Traditional Norms
開門:突破框架的女性 Women Breaking Traditional Norms





導演 Laha Mebow(陳潔瑤)透過影像尋根,讓大家認識原住民文化;







Women Breaking Traditional Norms

Despite facing challenges in economic participation, determined and courageous women across various industries are breaking traditional norms. Remarkably, women have made significant contributions in unexpected areas that may surprise the general public.

The efforts of these women not only demonstrate their personal charisma and professional skills but also generate a positive and widespread influence on society, setting an example for future female economic participation.


「解鎖:女性關鍵 經濟蛻變」帶領著我們穿越歷史的時光隧道,見證臺灣在經濟發展中,女性扮演著不可或缺的關鍵角色。女性從最初的農村和家庭走到職場,然而,他們依然負擔著照顧家庭的責任;在面對種種困境時,女性並未退卻,反而挽起袖子,爭取更為平等的工作環境。



This exhibition—Unlocked: Women's Key Role in Economic Transformation—leads us back in time to witness the indispensable role women have played in Taiwan's economic development. As women transitioned from village and home settings to the workplace, they continue to bear the responsibility of caring for their families. Despite facing various challenges, women do not back down; instead, they roll up their sleeves and advocate for a more equal working environment.

It’s worth noting that more and more women are boldly entering “non-traditional” industries. They are introducing a more diverse perspective into various sectors, challenging the norms of traditional industries, and bringing a richer array of values to society. This courage and determination have not only enhanced the advancement of women in the workplace but have also driven the economic transformation of society as a whole.

Every challenge is like a lock. Where there's a lock, there's a key to unlock—and now we're handing you the key ! If it were you, what kind of key would you choose to unlock these challenges? Let's continue to pay attention to women’s economic rights and work together for a fairer future.


穿越歷史的時光隧道,見證臺灣在經濟發展中,女性扮演著不可或缺的關鍵角色。 Let’s travel back in time to witness the significant role women have played in Taiwan’s economic development. 開展時間:2024/3/8 起(常設展覽) 展覽地點:台灣國家婦女館 (台北市中正區杭州南路一段 15 號 9 樓) Special Exhibition at Taiwan Women’s Center Date: from 03/08/2024 (permanent exhibition) Address: 9F., No.15, Sec. 1, Hangzhou S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City (Taiwan Women’s Center)

枷鎖:女性邁到的困境 😗😗




在 1980 年代,「單身條款」或是「禁孕條款」這類條款是存在許多職場的內規,甚至是明文規範,要求女性員工年滿 30 歲或是結婚、懷孕必須自動離職,1987 年 8 月,在國父紀念館解僱的女服務員集體出面控訴後,才引起大眾的關注及議論,不僅讓社會意識到性別歧視的存在,也促成了保障女性工作權益的法律改革。



根據勞動部資料,臺灣女性勞動力參與率在 25 到 29 歲時達到高峰,過了 30 歲就開始下滑。其背後原因為女性因為婚姻、育兒、照顧家人等因素無法兼顧工作,只好放棄職場工作。

The Difficulties Women Face in Economic Participation

It’s not hard to notice, through everyday sayings, that women are constrained by traditional social values, influencing their careers and impacting Taiwan’s economic development.

The Myth of “Men as Hunter, Women as Gatherer.”

Leaving the Job once Married or Pregnant

Burning the Candle at Both Ends: Juggling Career and Family



隨著女性教育程度提升、社會環境改變,臺灣的女性勞動參與率穩步提升,在 25 至 29 歲階段的女性勞參率更是直逼 9 成(89.53%),這顯示,臺灣年輕女性在面對生涯選擇時較前幾世代擁有更多可能性,且越來越多女性願意投入各行各業。


根據勞動部的統計顯示,2022 年臺灣性別薪資差距為 15.8%,相較十年前 2012 年的 16.6%,下降了 0.8%。歷年來,我國性別薪資差距相較美、日、韓等國均較小,但相較歐盟(10.8%)或 OECD 國家(12.1%)仍有努力的空間。

Statistics of Women’s Situation in the Labor Market

Increased Female Labor Force Participation

As women’s education levels rise and the social environment evolves, the labor force participation rate of women in Taiwan has shown a steady increase, from 46.59% in 2002 to 51.61% in 2022. Let’s compare the rates of women between 25-29 across different countries in 2022, it is easy to see that Taiwan’s participation rate of women under 40 exceeds 80%, especially the age group of 25 to 29, where the figure is nearly 90% (89.53%),

Narrowed Gender Pay Gap

According to the Ministry of Labor statistics, Taiwan’s gender pay gap was 15.8% in 2022, a decrease of 0.8% from the 16.6% reported in 2012. Over the years, the average gender pay gap in Taiwan has been narrower than that in the U.S., Japan, and South Korea. However, when compared to the EU (10.8%) or OECD countries (12.1%), there is still room for improvement.

Despite the fact that progress has been made in closing the wage gap, women in Taiwan still need to work an average of 58 extra days to achieve an equivalent salary level as men (the Equal Pay Day in Taiwan in 2023 was February 27).

突破:看見經濟發展史中的女性  Women’s Different Roles in the History of Economic Development
突破:看見經濟發展史中的女性 Women’s Different Roles in the History of Economic Development



1960 年代,隨著外資大量進入,臺灣的產業由農業轉向工業社會,加工出口區的建立讓大批為改善家庭經濟的農村女孩踏入都市。

1970 年代,為了提高製造業生產力,政府推動「客廳即工廠」政策,許多家庭代工應運而生,原本女性運用於居家勞動的裁縫技術,逐漸轉變為支撐經濟的產業技能。

1990 年代,臺灣的產業型態再度轉變,女性工作人口逐漸從工廠移出,轉向蓬勃興起的服務業。進入 21 世紀,女性的職業選擇和就業機會更加自由與多樣,除了在職場發展,他們也積極參與創業,擁有獨立的經濟實力和競爭力。


Women’s Different Roles in the History of Economic Development

Looking back, women’s pursuits of labor dignity are important chapters of Taiwan’s economic history.

In the 1960s, with a massive influx of foreign capital, Taiwan shifted from an agricultural society to an industrial one. With the establishment of Export Processing Zones, a huge number of younger women from rural areas enter the cities seeking to improve their families’ financial well-being.

In the 1970s, the government introduced the “Living Room as Factory” policy to boost manufacturing productivity, which led to the emergence of family-based original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). The tailoring skills initially used by women for home-based work gradually evolved into industrial skills that played a crucial role in supporting the economy.

In the 1990s, Taiwan’s industrial structure experienced another change, and the female workforce transitioned from factories to the flourishing service industry. Entering the 21st century, women’s career choices and employment opportunities have become more diverse. In addition to traditional employment in companies, women have also been actively engaged in entrepreneurship, demonstrating economic independence and competitiveness.

As technological advancements lead to numerous social changes, women’s active involvement in the field of science and technology also stands out as a significant part of this transformation. Women have become key drivers of innovation and have brought a more diverse and inclusive mindset to the realm of science and technology.





導演 Laha Mebow(陳潔瑤)透過影像尋根,讓大家認識原住民文化;







Women Breaking Traditional Norms

Despite facing challenges in economic participation, determined and courageous women across various industries are breaking traditional norms. Remarkably, women have made significant contributions in unexpected areas that may surprise the general public.

The efforts of these women not only demonstrate their personal charisma and professional skills but also generate a positive and widespread influence on society, setting an example for future female economic participation.


「解鎖:女性關鍵 經濟蛻變」帶領著我們穿越歷史的時光隧道,見證臺灣在經濟發展中,女性扮演著不可或缺的關鍵角色。女性從最初的農村和家庭走到職場,然而,他們依然負擔著照顧家庭的責任;在面對種種困境時,女性並未退卻,反而挽起袖子,爭取更為平等的工作環境。



This exhibition—Unlocked: Women's Key Role in Economic Transformation—leads us back in time to witness the indispensable role women have played in Taiwan's economic development. As women transitioned from village and home settings to the workplace, they continue to bear the responsibility of caring for their families. Despite facing various challenges, women do not back down; instead, they roll up their sleeves and advocate for a more equal working environment.

It’s worth noting that more and more women are boldly entering “non-traditional” industries. They are introducing a more diverse perspective into various sectors, challenging the norms of traditional industries, and bringing a richer array of values to society. This courage and determination have not only enhanced the advancement of women in the workplace but have also driven the economic transformation of society as a whole.

Every challenge is like a lock. Where there's a lock, there's a key to unlock—and now we're handing you the key ! If it were you, what kind of key would you choose to unlock these challenges? Let's continue to pay attention to women’s economic rights and work together for a fairer future.