Wen Yu Wang

Wen Yu Wang

相信每個生命都是珍稀的瑰寶,沒有人是一個人;現階段致力於國小SEL教學、教師培訓與推廣。 I believe that every life is a precious gem, and no one is alone; currently, I am dedicated to teaching SEL at the elementary level, training teachers, and promoting SEL broadly. | 我的願景是將社會情緒學習推廣至台灣每一個角落,尤其是文化背景多元的地區。 My vision is to expand Social Emotional Learning throughout every corner of Taiwan, especially in areas with diverse cultural backgrounds. 我期待不久的將來,能在以SEL為核心、支持青少年與成人教育的組織中擔任領導人,引領實質的改變。 I aspire to take on a significant role in a nonprofit organization that supports youth and adult education, leading meaningful change. | May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears. - Nelson Mandela

社會情緒學習培訓・講師經歷 Specialized SEL Workshops Conducted

2023.05|KIST 三民家長聚會|親師智囊團:初探SEL

2024.01|Teach For Taiwan|培養非認知能力

2024.02|KIST 峰會|SEL教學分享





Wen Yu Wang I teach, I learn, and gradually, I reconcile with myself.
I teach, I learn, and gradually, I reconcile with myself.

  • 國立臺灣大學戲劇學系學士|Drama and Theatre, NTU|2012~2020
  • 為臺灣而教第八屆計畫成員|Teach For Taiwan C8|2021~2023
  • 誠致教育基金會教育發展中心專案教師|Education Development Center, chengzhi|2023~

關於我|More about me
Wen Yu Wang

Wen Yu Wang

相信每個生命都是珍稀的瑰寶,沒有人是一個人;現階段致力於國小SEL教學、教師培訓與推廣。 I believe that every life is a precious gem, and no one is alone; currently, I am dedicated to teaching SEL at the elementary level, training teachers, and promoting SEL broadly. | 我的願景是將社會情緒學習推廣至台灣每一個角落,尤其是文化背景多元的地區。 My vision is to expand Social Emotional Learning throughout every corner of Taiwan, especially in areas with diverse cultural backgrounds. 我期待不久的將來,能在以SEL為核心、支持青少年與成人教育的組織中擔任領導人,引領實質的改變。 I aspire to take on a significant role in a nonprofit organization that supports youth and adult education, leading meaningful change. | May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears. - Nelson Mandela

社會情緒學習培訓・講師經歷 Specialized SEL Workshops Conducted

2023.05|KIST 三民家長聚會|親師智囊團:初探SEL

2024.01|Teach For Taiwan|培養非認知能力

2024.02|KIST 峰會|SEL教學分享





Wen Yu Wang I teach, I learn, and gradually, I reconcile with myself.
I teach, I learn, and gradually, I reconcile with myself.