

這是我的贊助平台,我是聽障全職考生兼美食外送員。 This is my sponsorship platform. I am a full-time exam candidate with hearing impairment and also work as a food delivery courier. 白天讀書(10個小時) I study during the day (10 hours). 晚上外送(5小時) I deliver food at night (5 hours). 《敬請支持。懇請贊助》❤️ "Please support and kindly sponsor." ❤️

    贊助連結Sponsorship Link希望可以給我鼓勵,努力考上國家考試,為民服務。I hope for encouragement as I work hard to pass the national exams and serve the people.
    google問卷-歡迎填寫外送體驗回饋Feel free to provide feedback on your delivery experience.如果有任何建議,可以到表單裡面留言唷~If you have any suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment in the form.
    柏翔Bo-Shiang 可點圖片,以利瞭解內容!You can click on the image to better understand the content!
    可點圖片,以利瞭解內容!You can click on the image to better understand the content!