木回木 horohoro
Eva profile photo

Hi, This is Eva.

I'm a Graphic Designer, Crafter, Pattern Creator, Photographer, Fanart Artist, Home Baker, True Crime Aficionado...the list goes on and on. You see, a girl just has too much hobbies.

At the moment I'm focusing on building my brand horohoro.

evaeyesnlens Photography

evaeyesnlens shooting stuff 東拍西拍亂亂拍

木回木 horohoro

evapenghaoyu living stuff 生活雜事隨便發

木回木 horohoro

Plurk fanart stuff 二次創作宅宅的

木回木 horohoro

Plurk weeb stuff 個人河道腐腐的

(might be NSFW beware 不時色色請慎入)