畫油畫、壓克力畫、蠟筆、粉彩、插畫與一點點漫畫。 喜歡轉瞬即逝的情緒與情感, 在粉嫩可愛的表象底下是鬱鬱寡歡的真心。 My works always base on my mental state and my feeling of everything by my side, they may looking cute but most of them are melancholy and depressed. 最常使用IG, Threads則是會有日常廢文或是發洩, 都歡迎來看看,下方有連結小按鈕。 Mostly at Instagram, there are button down below. 各項工作與合作歡迎來信 For collab or work please send me email: lepus0811@gmail.com
畫油畫、壓克力畫、蠟筆、粉彩、插畫與一點點漫畫。 喜歡轉瞬即逝的情緒與情感, 在粉嫩可愛的表象底下是鬱鬱寡歡的真心。 My works always base on my mental state and my feeling of everything by my side, they may looking cute but most of them are melancholy and depressed. 最常使用IG, Threads則是會有日常廢文或是發洩, 都歡迎來看看,下方有連結小按鈕。 Mostly at Instagram, there are button down below. 各項工作與合作歡迎來信 For collab or work please send me email: lepus0811@gmail.com