Six Kilometers 六公里
Six Kilometers 六公里
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About 6KM

6km is an amateur illustrator from Malaysia. He believes that all things in the world exist objectively and without inherent meaning. It is only through the projection of human emotions and personal experiences that meaning is bestowed upon life and the universe. Thus, his artwork is infused with his own feelings, experiences, and insights, offering a unique and profound perspective.

The reason why he call himself 6KM is that his surname, 陸, represents the traditional Chinese character 六, which also means "Six." At the same time, his last name, "Kah Meng," can be abbreviated as "KM.”


他稱自己為 “六公里” 的原因是因為他的姓氏 “陸” 代表了傳統漢字 “六”,也就是 “六” 的意思。同時,他的英文名字「Kah Meng」可以縮寫為「KM」,也就是 “公里” 的意思。