
20 Competitive YouTube Channels Directory of 2025

March 3, 2025

This is a list of the best YouTube channels and YouTube studios. Find YouTube videos, music and tv to watch, and search for the most viewed youtube videos and channels.

1. sheflieshigh (@Sheflieshigh)

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1. sheflieshigh (@Sheflieshigh)

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2. Talitha Pereira Español (@pastoratalithapereira)

Talitha Pereira es una escritora best-seller, oradora internacional y pastora principal de Igreja do Amor. Proporciona una plataforma para el descubrimiento de la verdadera identidad, de la superación de desafíos y del liderazgo femenino. INSTAGRAM: @talithapereira | @talithapereiraespanol

Talitha Pereira es una escritora best-seller, oradora internacional y pastora principal de Igreja do Amor. Proporciona una plataforma para el descubrimiento de la verdadera identidad, de la superación de desafíos y del liderazgo femenino. INSTAGRAM: @talithapereira | @talithapereiraespanol

3. Plataran Indonesia (@TerasDharmawangsa)

Official Youtube Page of Plataran Indonesia --- Plataran is a homegrown Indonesian hospitality group whose vision is to contribute to Indonesia and Indonesians by showcasing to the world the rich and diverse natural and cultural heritage of this remarkable archipelago. Plataran means “God’s most favourite courtyard”, a reflection of our connection to and celebration of all the beauty and richness of culture that Indonesia has been blessed with. Plataran invites discovery and appreciation of Indonesia’s many treasures through its luxury brand of boutique hotels and resorts, private cruises, dining and event venues, developed in Indonesia’s most iconic and exotic destinations. PLATARAN INDONESIA - True Indonesian Icon Hotels & Resorts, Venues & Dining, Private Cruises, Eco Tourism Development Borobudur, Bromo, West Bali National Park, Ubud, Canggu, Komodo, Puncak, Jakarta, Tokyo #PlataranIndonesia #TrueIndonesianIcon #TrueIndonesianEcotourismIcon

Official Youtube Page of Plataran Indonesia --- Plataran is a homegrown Indonesian hospitality group whose vision is to contribute to Indonesia and Indonesians by showcasing to the world the rich and diverse natural and cultural heritage of this remarkable archipelago. Plataran means “God’s most favourite courtyard”, a reflection of our connection to and celebration of all the beauty and richness of culture that Indonesia has been blessed with. Plataran invites discovery and appreciation of Indonesia’s many treasures through its luxury brand of boutique hotels and resorts, private cruises, dining and event venues, developed in Indonesia’s most iconic and exotic destinations. PLATARAN INDONESIA - True Indonesian Icon Hotels & Resorts, Venues & Dining, Private Cruises, Eco Tourism Development Borobudur, Bromo, West Bali National Park, Ubud, Canggu, Komodo, Puncak, Jakarta, Tokyo #PlataranIndonesia #TrueIndonesianIcon #TrueIndonesianEcotourismIcon

4. rinnyea (@rinnyhub)

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Hey, I like dubstep a lot so I make dank vids about it. I also occasionally upload other things.

Hey, I like dubstep a lot so I make dank vids about it. I also occasionally upload other things.

5. RELASI TV (@Relasicpns)

Channel ini menyajikan konten tentang seputar CPNS dan Pengetahuan Umum

Channel ini menyajikan konten tentang seputar CPNS dan Pengetahuan Umum

6. JacobTMK (@JacobTMK)

Anime Debates, Reactions Reviews and More!

Anime Debates, Reactions Reviews and More!

7. 呢喃貓投資 Murmur Cats (@murmurcats)

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🚩 加密貨幣類排行第一 Podcast |加密貨幣千萬交易員的呢喃 🚩 市值破億的 NFT 社群|呢喃貓 Murmurcats 🚩 破千人關注 Pressplay 深度訂閱|呢喃貓投資 - 你的加密貨幣顧問 各式演講、合作、課程邀約歡迎洽詢 cryptorsmurmur@gmail.com👇

🚩 加密貨幣類排行第一 Podcast |加密貨幣千萬交易員的呢喃 🚩 市值破億的 NFT 社群|呢喃貓 Murmurcats 🚩 破千人關注 Pressplay 深度訂閱|呢喃貓投資 - 你的加密貨幣顧問 各式演講、合作、課程邀約歡迎洽詢 cryptorsmurmur@gmail.com👇

8. Deejay Academy Bogotá (@deejayacademy)

Deejay Academy fundada en 2004 por Andrés Power, uno de los pioneros de la escena electrónica Colombiana, se ha consolidado a través de los años, en la principal academia de formación de Dj´s productores, con varios premios y reconocimientos en su currículum; como el de mejor academia Dj en Colombia en cuatro oportunidades, Mejor Dj productor a nuestro director y mejor sello disquero electrónico a Academy Records, podemos asegurar que somos la academia de formación más completa e importante del país, nuestros esfuerzos se enfocan en estar al día en las nuevas tecnologías en software y hardware, con equipos de alta gama para ofrecer el mejor servicio educativo del medio Dj y de la producción musical. La metodología de enseñanza es totalmente personalizada, esta da garantía a nuestros estudiantes de obtener un alto grado de aprendizaje, que a su vez redime en el éxito de los egresados en la escena electrónica local nacional.

Deejay Academy fundada en 2004 por Andrés Power, uno de los pioneros de la escena electrónica Colombiana, se ha consolidado a través de los años, en la principal academia de formación de Dj´s productores, con varios premios y reconocimientos en su currículum; como el de mejor academia Dj en Colombia en cuatro oportunidades, Mejor Dj productor a nuestro director y mejor sello disquero electrónico a Academy Records, podemos asegurar que somos la academia de formación más completa e importante del país, nuestros esfuerzos se enfocan en estar al día en las nuevas tecnologías en software y hardware, con equipos de alta gama para ofrecer el mejor servicio educativo del medio Dj y de la producción musical. La metodología de enseñanza es totalmente personalizada, esta da garantía a nuestros estudiantes de obtener un alto grado de aprendizaje, que a su vez redime en el éxito de los egresados en la escena electrónica local nacional.

9. Roberta Carluccio (@Roberryc)

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🤎🪐$AVAG€ 2nd @berta_laberta Allenati con me @roberrycfit 👇🏽

🤎🪐$AVAG€ 2nd @berta_laberta Allenati con me @roberrycfit 👇🏽

10. ANTI PATRIARCAME (@antipatriarcame)

Dealeuse de came féministe. Je vous propose sur mes différents réseaux du contenu théorique sur les luttes sociales qui m'intéressent tout en développant mes activités graphiques ! Je suis designer graphique de formation et j'ai principalement étudié les supports militants ! Je suis donc totalement incapable de faire des séparations entre mes différentes activités et je pense que c'est la singularité que je vous propose au travers de mon contenu. Je fais des vidéos sur youtube, des lives sur twitch, je vous partage mon travail graphique sur instagram, du flood théorique sur twitter mais aussi mes créations sur ma boutique : antipatriarcame.com Amour & révolution.

Dealeuse de came féministe. Je vous propose sur mes différents réseaux du contenu théorique sur les luttes sociales qui m'intéressent tout en développant mes activités graphiques ! Je suis designer graphique de formation et j'ai principalement étudié les supports militants ! Je suis donc totalement incapable de faire des séparations entre mes différentes activités et je pense que c'est la singularité que je vous propose au travers de mon contenu. Je fais des vidéos sur youtube, des lives sur twitch, je vous partage mon travail graphique sur instagram, du flood théorique sur twitter mais aussi mes créations sur ma boutique : antipatriarcame.com Amour & révolution.

11. 我是姜勳,不是美動 (@Mikeintaiwan)

大家好,我是姜勳 (不是美動喔) 我來自韓國,但我喜歡台灣、也在這裡生活6年囉! 今年開始成立YouTube頻道,想和大家分享生活中有趣的事情 以後頻道會每週定期更新一支影片。 歡迎大家訂閱我的頻道,如果有想看的主題,也可以在下面留言告訴我噢! 姜勳的FB:https://www.facebook.com/jiangxun123/ 姜勳的IG:http://www.instagram.com/mikeintaiwan 合作邀約請洽: Email: jiangxun123@naver.com 或用粉專私訊聯絡.

大家好,我是姜勳 (不是美動喔) 我來自韓國,但我喜歡台灣、也在這裡生活6年囉! 今年開始成立YouTube頻道,想和大家分享生活中有趣的事情 以後頻道會每週定期更新一支影片。 歡迎大家訂閱我的頻道,如果有想看的主題,也可以在下面留言告訴我噢! 姜勳的FB:https://www.facebook.com/jiangxun123/ 姜勳的IG:http://www.instagram.com/mikeintaiwan 合作邀約請洽: Email: jiangxun123@naver.com 或用粉專私訊聯絡.

12. Esports Awards (@esportsawards)

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Recognising Excellence, Creating a Legacy and Honouring the Esports Industry Relive the most magical night in esports -

Recognising Excellence, Creating a Legacy and Honouring the Esports Industry Relive the most magical night in esports -

14. Guy Montgomery (@guy_mont)

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On tour in Australia and New Zealand in 2023 and you can buy a ticket right now! (Show is good btw) Also watch @guymontspellingbee on Three

On tour in Australia and New Zealand in 2023 and you can buy a ticket right now! (Show is good btw) Also watch @guymontspellingbee on Three

15. PdrTube (@PDRtube)

Merhaba, PdrTube kanalı bir eğitim kanalıdır. Eğitim alanında rehberlik ile ilgili içerikler üretiyoruz. Bu kapsamda bilim ve sanat merkezi genel yetenek, müzik ve resim uygulamaları hakkında tüm süreçleri anlatıyoruz. Ayrıca öğrenci ve ebeveynlere yönelik animasyonlar, e-dergiler, broşürler, kitapçıklar ile rehberlik desteği sunuyoruz. Psikolojik Danışmanlara yönelik ise bilgilendirici içerikler üretiyoruz! Rehberlik Servisi faaliyetleri kapsamında özgün ve kaliteli içeriklere ulaşabilmeniz için bizi TAKİPTE kalın... Rehberliğe katkısı olsun 🎯

Merhaba, PdrTube kanalı bir eğitim kanalıdır. Eğitim alanında rehberlik ile ilgili içerikler üretiyoruz. Bu kapsamda bilim ve sanat merkezi genel yetenek, müzik ve resim uygulamaları hakkında tüm süreçleri anlatıyoruz. Ayrıca öğrenci ve ebeveynlere yönelik animasyonlar, e-dergiler, broşürler, kitapçıklar ile rehberlik desteği sunuyoruz. Psikolojik Danışmanlara yönelik ise bilgilendirici içerikler üretiyoruz! Rehberlik Servisi faaliyetleri kapsamında özgün ve kaliteli içeriklere ulaşabilmeniz için bizi TAKİPTE kalın... Rehberliğe katkısı olsun 🎯

17. OPcrotte (@opcrotte)

Je stream sur Twitch du lundi au vendredi : https://twitch.tv/OPcrotte • Twitter ➜ https://twitter.com/OPcrotte • Instagram ➜ https://instagram.com/OPcrotte • Discord ➜ https://discordapp.com/invite/OPcrotte • Twitch ➜ https://twitch.tv/OPcrotte • TikTok ➜ https://www.tiktok.com/@OPcrotte

Je stream sur Twitch du lundi au vendredi : https://twitch.tv/OPcrotte • Twitter ➜ https://twitter.com/OPcrotte • Instagram ➜ https://instagram.com/OPcrotte • Discord ➜ https://discordapp.com/invite/OPcrotte • Twitch ➜ https://twitch.tv/OPcrotte • TikTok ➜ https://www.tiktok.com/@OPcrotte

18. Pernilla Mouritzen (@pernillamouritzen)

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Hi Everyone! Welcome to my Youtube Channel. I'm a Danish woman trying to make enough money for my Australian visa via Social Media. Follow along my journey to Permanent Residency! :) :) Much Love, Nilla

Hi Everyone! Welcome to my Youtube Channel. I'm a Danish woman trying to make enough money for my Australian visa via Social Media. Follow along my journey to Permanent Residency! :) :) Much Love, Nilla

19. Making Sense with Ed Butowsky (@EdButowsky)

Ed Butowsky is the creator of the Chapwood Portfolio Investment Score and managing partner of Chapwood Investments, LLC. Please consider adding his book, Wealth Mismanagement, to your collection. It is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Visit http://www.wealthmismanagement.com for more information. Follow Ed: Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/ebutowskypub/ Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/edbutowsky Website – http://www.edbutowsky.com/

Ed Butowsky is the creator of the Chapwood Portfolio Investment Score and managing partner of Chapwood Investments, LLC. Please consider adding his book, Wealth Mismanagement, to your collection. It is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Visit http://www.wealthmismanagement.com for more information. Follow Ed: Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/ebutowskypub/ Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/edbutowsky Website – http://www.edbutowsky.com/

20. cyberstephanie (@cyberstephanie)

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online cyber gf, model, artist, cosplayer | for business cyberstephanie.business@gmail.com |

online cyber gf, model, artist, cosplayer | for business cyberstephanie.business@gmail.com |


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20 Competitive YouTube Channels Directory of 2025

March 3, 2025

This is a list of the best YouTube channels and YouTube studios. Find YouTube videos, music and tv to watch, and search for the most viewed youtube videos and channels.

2. Talitha Pereira Español (@pastoratalithapereira)

Talitha Pereira es una escritora best-seller, oradora internacional y pastora principal de Igreja do Amor. Proporciona una plataforma para el descubrimiento de la verdadera identidad, de la superación de desafíos y del liderazgo femenino. INSTAGRAM: @talithapereira | @talithapereiraespanol

Talitha Pereira es una escritora best-seller, oradora internacional y pastora principal de Igreja do Amor. Proporciona una plataforma para el descubrimiento de la verdadera identidad, de la superación de desafíos y del liderazgo femenino. INSTAGRAM: @talithapereira | @talithapereiraespanol

3. Plataran Indonesia (@TerasDharmawangsa)

Official Youtube Page of Plataran Indonesia --- Plataran is a homegrown Indonesian hospitality group whose vision is to contribute to Indonesia and Indonesians by showcasing to the world the rich and diverse natural and cultural heritage of this remarkable archipelago. Plataran means “God’s most favourite courtyard”, a reflection of our connection to and celebration of all the beauty and richness of culture that Indonesia has been blessed with. Plataran invites discovery and appreciation of Indonesia’s many treasures through its luxury brand of boutique hotels and resorts, private cruises, dining and event venues, developed in Indonesia’s most iconic and exotic destinations. PLATARAN INDONESIA - True Indonesian Icon Hotels & Resorts, Venues & Dining, Private Cruises, Eco Tourism Development Borobudur, Bromo, West Bali National Park, Ubud, Canggu, Komodo, Puncak, Jakarta, Tokyo #PlataranIndonesia #TrueIndonesianIcon #TrueIndonesianEcotourismIcon

Official Youtube Page of Plataran Indonesia --- Plataran is a homegrown Indonesian hospitality group whose vision is to contribute to Indonesia and Indonesians by showcasing to the world the rich and diverse natural and cultural heritage of this remarkable archipelago. Plataran means “God’s most favourite courtyard”, a reflection of our connection to and celebration of all the beauty and richness of culture that Indonesia has been blessed with. Plataran invites discovery and appreciation of Indonesia’s many treasures through its luxury brand of boutique hotels and resorts, private cruises, dining and event venues, developed in Indonesia’s most iconic and exotic destinations. PLATARAN INDONESIA - True Indonesian Icon Hotels & Resorts, Venues & Dining, Private Cruises, Eco Tourism Development Borobudur, Bromo, West Bali National Park, Ubud, Canggu, Komodo, Puncak, Jakarta, Tokyo #PlataranIndonesia #TrueIndonesianIcon #TrueIndonesianEcotourismIcon

4. rinnyea (@rinnyhub)

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Hey, I like dubstep a lot so I make dank vids about it. I also occasionally upload other things.

Hey, I like dubstep a lot so I make dank vids about it. I also occasionally upload other things.

5. RELASI TV (@Relasicpns)

Channel ini menyajikan konten tentang seputar CPNS dan Pengetahuan Umum

Channel ini menyajikan konten tentang seputar CPNS dan Pengetahuan Umum

6. JacobTMK (@JacobTMK)

Anime Debates, Reactions Reviews and More!

Anime Debates, Reactions Reviews and More!

7. 呢喃貓投資 Murmur Cats (@murmurcats)

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🚩 加密貨幣類排行第一 Podcast |加密貨幣千萬交易員的呢喃 🚩 市值破億的 NFT 社群|呢喃貓 Murmurcats 🚩 破千人關注 Pressplay 深度訂閱|呢喃貓投資 - 你的加密貨幣顧問 各式演講、合作、課程邀約歡迎洽詢 cryptorsmurmur@gmail.com👇

🚩 加密貨幣類排行第一 Podcast |加密貨幣千萬交易員的呢喃 🚩 市值破億的 NFT 社群|呢喃貓 Murmurcats 🚩 破千人關注 Pressplay 深度訂閱|呢喃貓投資 - 你的加密貨幣顧問 各式演講、合作、課程邀約歡迎洽詢 cryptorsmurmur@gmail.com👇

8. Deejay Academy Bogotá (@deejayacademy)

Deejay Academy fundada en 2004 por Andrés Power, uno de los pioneros de la escena electrónica Colombiana, se ha consolidado a través de los años, en la principal academia de formación de Dj´s productores, con varios premios y reconocimientos en su currículum; como el de mejor academia Dj en Colombia en cuatro oportunidades, Mejor Dj productor a nuestro director y mejor sello disquero electrónico a Academy Records, podemos asegurar que somos la academia de formación más completa e importante del país, nuestros esfuerzos se enfocan en estar al día en las nuevas tecnologías en software y hardware, con equipos de alta gama para ofrecer el mejor servicio educativo del medio Dj y de la producción musical. La metodología de enseñanza es totalmente personalizada, esta da garantía a nuestros estudiantes de obtener un alto grado de aprendizaje, que a su vez redime en el éxito de los egresados en la escena electrónica local nacional.

Deejay Academy fundada en 2004 por Andrés Power, uno de los pioneros de la escena electrónica Colombiana, se ha consolidado a través de los años, en la principal academia de formación de Dj´s productores, con varios premios y reconocimientos en su currículum; como el de mejor academia Dj en Colombia en cuatro oportunidades, Mejor Dj productor a nuestro director y mejor sello disquero electrónico a Academy Records, podemos asegurar que somos la academia de formación más completa e importante del país, nuestros esfuerzos se enfocan en estar al día en las nuevas tecnologías en software y hardware, con equipos de alta gama para ofrecer el mejor servicio educativo del medio Dj y de la producción musical. La metodología de enseñanza es totalmente personalizada, esta da garantía a nuestros estudiantes de obtener un alto grado de aprendizaje, que a su vez redime en el éxito de los egresados en la escena electrónica local nacional.

9. Roberta Carluccio (@Roberryc)

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🤎🪐$AVAG€ 2nd @berta_laberta Allenati con me @roberrycfit 👇🏽

🤎🪐$AVAG€ 2nd @berta_laberta Allenati con me @roberrycfit 👇🏽

10. ANTI PATRIARCAME (@antipatriarcame)

Dealeuse de came féministe. Je vous propose sur mes différents réseaux du contenu théorique sur les luttes sociales qui m'intéressent tout en développant mes activités graphiques ! Je suis designer graphique de formation et j'ai principalement étudié les supports militants ! Je suis donc totalement incapable de faire des séparations entre mes différentes activités et je pense que c'est la singularité que je vous propose au travers de mon contenu. Je fais des vidéos sur youtube, des lives sur twitch, je vous partage mon travail graphique sur instagram, du flood théorique sur twitter mais aussi mes créations sur ma boutique : antipatriarcame.com Amour & révolution.

Dealeuse de came féministe. Je vous propose sur mes différents réseaux du contenu théorique sur les luttes sociales qui m'intéressent tout en développant mes activités graphiques ! Je suis designer graphique de formation et j'ai principalement étudié les supports militants ! Je suis donc totalement incapable de faire des séparations entre mes différentes activités et je pense que c'est la singularité que je vous propose au travers de mon contenu. Je fais des vidéos sur youtube, des lives sur twitch, je vous partage mon travail graphique sur instagram, du flood théorique sur twitter mais aussi mes créations sur ma boutique : antipatriarcame.com Amour & révolution.

11. 我是姜勳,不是美動 (@Mikeintaiwan)

大家好,我是姜勳 (不是美動喔) 我來自韓國,但我喜歡台灣、也在這裡生活6年囉! 今年開始成立YouTube頻道,想和大家分享生活中有趣的事情 以後頻道會每週定期更新一支影片。 歡迎大家訂閱我的頻道,如果有想看的主題,也可以在下面留言告訴我噢! 姜勳的FB:https://www.facebook.com/jiangxun123/ 姜勳的IG:http://www.instagram.com/mikeintaiwan 合作邀約請洽: Email: jiangxun123@naver.com 或用粉專私訊聯絡.

大家好,我是姜勳 (不是美動喔) 我來自韓國,但我喜歡台灣、也在這裡生活6年囉! 今年開始成立YouTube頻道,想和大家分享生活中有趣的事情 以後頻道會每週定期更新一支影片。 歡迎大家訂閱我的頻道,如果有想看的主題,也可以在下面留言告訴我噢! 姜勳的FB:https://www.facebook.com/jiangxun123/ 姜勳的IG:http://www.instagram.com/mikeintaiwan 合作邀約請洽: Email: jiangxun123@naver.com 或用粉專私訊聯絡.

12. Esports Awards (@esportsawards)

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Recognising Excellence, Creating a Legacy and Honouring the Esports Industry Relive the most magical night in esports -

Recognising Excellence, Creating a Legacy and Honouring the Esports Industry Relive the most magical night in esports -

14. Guy Montgomery (@guy_mont)

  • 28k

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On tour in Australia and New Zealand in 2023 and you can buy a ticket right now! (Show is good btw) Also watch @guymontspellingbee on Three

On tour in Australia and New Zealand in 2023 and you can buy a ticket right now! (Show is good btw) Also watch @guymontspellingbee on Three

15. PdrTube (@PDRtube)

Merhaba, PdrTube kanalı bir eğitim kanalıdır. Eğitim alanında rehberlik ile ilgili içerikler üretiyoruz. Bu kapsamda bilim ve sanat merkezi genel yetenek, müzik ve resim uygulamaları hakkında tüm süreçleri anlatıyoruz. Ayrıca öğrenci ve ebeveynlere yönelik animasyonlar, e-dergiler, broşürler, kitapçıklar ile rehberlik desteği sunuyoruz. Psikolojik Danışmanlara yönelik ise bilgilendirici içerikler üretiyoruz! Rehberlik Servisi faaliyetleri kapsamında özgün ve kaliteli içeriklere ulaşabilmeniz için bizi TAKİPTE kalın... Rehberliğe katkısı olsun 🎯

Merhaba, PdrTube kanalı bir eğitim kanalıdır. Eğitim alanında rehberlik ile ilgili içerikler üretiyoruz. Bu kapsamda bilim ve sanat merkezi genel yetenek, müzik ve resim uygulamaları hakkında tüm süreçleri anlatıyoruz. Ayrıca öğrenci ve ebeveynlere yönelik animasyonlar, e-dergiler, broşürler, kitapçıklar ile rehberlik desteği sunuyoruz. Psikolojik Danışmanlara yönelik ise bilgilendirici içerikler üretiyoruz! Rehberlik Servisi faaliyetleri kapsamında özgün ve kaliteli içeriklere ulaşabilmeniz için bizi TAKİPTE kalın... Rehberliğe katkısı olsun 🎯

17. OPcrotte (@opcrotte)

Je stream sur Twitch du lundi au vendredi : https://twitch.tv/OPcrotte • Twitter ➜ https://twitter.com/OPcrotte • Instagram ➜ https://instagram.com/OPcrotte • Discord ➜ https://discordapp.com/invite/OPcrotte • Twitch ➜ https://twitch.tv/OPcrotte • TikTok ➜ https://www.tiktok.com/@OPcrotte

Je stream sur Twitch du lundi au vendredi : https://twitch.tv/OPcrotte • Twitter ➜ https://twitter.com/OPcrotte • Instagram ➜ https://instagram.com/OPcrotte • Discord ➜ https://discordapp.com/invite/OPcrotte • Twitch ➜ https://twitch.tv/OPcrotte • TikTok ➜ https://www.tiktok.com/@OPcrotte

18. Pernilla Mouritzen (@pernillamouritzen)

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Hi Everyone! Welcome to my Youtube Channel. I'm a Danish woman trying to make enough money for my Australian visa via Social Media. Follow along my journey to Permanent Residency! :) :) Much Love, Nilla

Hi Everyone! Welcome to my Youtube Channel. I'm a Danish woman trying to make enough money for my Australian visa via Social Media. Follow along my journey to Permanent Residency! :) :) Much Love, Nilla

19. Making Sense with Ed Butowsky (@EdButowsky)

Ed Butowsky is the creator of the Chapwood Portfolio Investment Score and managing partner of Chapwood Investments, LLC. Please consider adding his book, Wealth Mismanagement, to your collection. It is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Visit http://www.wealthmismanagement.com for more information. Follow Ed: Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/ebutowskypub/ Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/edbutowsky Website – http://www.edbutowsky.com/

Ed Butowsky is the creator of the Chapwood Portfolio Investment Score and managing partner of Chapwood Investments, LLC. Please consider adding his book, Wealth Mismanagement, to your collection. It is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Visit http://www.wealthmismanagement.com for more information. Follow Ed: Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/ebutowskypub/ Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/edbutowsky Website – http://www.edbutowsky.com/

20. cyberstephanie (@cyberstephanie)

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online cyber gf, model, artist, cosplayer | for business cyberstephanie.business@gmail.com |

online cyber gf, model, artist, cosplayer | for business cyberstephanie.business@gmail.com |