
20 Decent YouTube Channels Directory of 2025

March 3, 2025

This is a list of the best YouTube channels and YouTube studios. Find YouTube videos, music and tv to watch, and search for the most viewed youtube videos and channels.

1. KPP Sanggau (@pajak705)

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1. KPP Sanggau (@pajak705)

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Akun Resmi KPP Pratama Sanggau ☎️ (0564) 23499 | 📱 0812 57422601 | 📩 kpp.705@pajak.go.id Senin s.d. Jumat (08.00 s.d. 16.00) Informasi lengkap ⤵️

Akun Resmi KPP Pratama Sanggau ☎️ (0564) 23499 | 📱 0812 57422601 | 📩 kpp.705@pajak.go.id Senin s.d. Jumat (08.00 s.d. 16.00) Informasi lengkap ⤵️
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2. Sacha Mattos (@sachamattos)

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Sou Sacha Mattos, tenho 23 anos, Moro na Barra da Tijuca (Rio de Janeiro), comecei no mundo artístico desde pequena, sempre gostei de tocar violão, cantar, dançar, já fiz 3 anos de teatro, estive 1 mês em cartaz no Teatro dos Grandes Atores e trabalhei durante um ano com um musical o qual eu fazia papel da Ariel. Luto Muay Thai, faço academia, gosto muito de ir a praia e ter uma vida saudável. Já trabalhei um tempo como barbeira e ganhei muitos seguidores por conta desse nicho. Não atuo mais na área, porém ainda produzo conteúdo sobre. Um dos vídeos mais virais são trazendo conteúdo de barbearia com bastante humor, atualmente estou chegando a marca de 2 milhões de seguidores no TikTok e 72 mil no Instagram. Recentemente assinei com a Agência (Crossover Records), aonde estou recebendo todo suporte e ajuda para alcançar cada vez mais a minha carreira. Vale ressaltar que também estudo pra ser uma artista e viver de música.

Sou Sacha Mattos, tenho 23 anos, Moro na Barra da Tijuca (Rio de Janeiro), comecei no mundo artístico desde pequena, sempre gostei de tocar violão, cantar, dançar, já fiz 3 anos de teatro, estive 1 mês em cartaz no Teatro dos Grandes Atores e trabalhei durante um ano com um musical o qual eu fazia papel da Ariel. Luto Muay Thai, faço academia, gosto muito de ir a praia e ter uma vida saudável. Já trabalhei um tempo como barbeira e ganhei muitos seguidores por conta desse nicho. Não atuo mais na área, porém ainda produzo conteúdo sobre. Um dos vídeos mais virais são trazendo conteúdo de barbearia com bastante humor, atualmente estou chegando a marca de 2 milhões de seguidores no TikTok e 72 mil no Instagram. Recentemente assinei com a Agência (Crossover Records), aonde estou recebendo todo suporte e ajuda para alcançar cada vez mais a minha carreira. Vale ressaltar que também estudo pra ser uma artista e viver de música.

3. 玩達人MasterToy板橋店 (@mastertoy220)

玩達人板橋店 蝦皮賣場 https://shopee.tw/mastertoy220 #蝦皮APP請直接搜尋 Mastertoy220 玩達人板橋店 電商賣場大補帖連結 https://linktr.ee/mastertoy220 ------------------------------- ★玩達人-板橋店★ 門市地址:新北市 板橋區 文聖街 208號 一樓 門市電話: 0988-116-292 LINE ID:Photovan 營業時間: 24小時 (請先連絡) ★玩達人-樂業店★ 門市地址:台北市大安區樂業街71號一樓 門市電話: 0912-931-084 營業時間: ★玩達人-樹林店★ 門市地址:新北市 樹林區 保安二街 84巷3號 一樓 門市電話: 0979-891-866 / 02--2202-9658 LINE ID: lovego0186 / mastertoy0186 營業時間:週一至週五 09:30-18:00 (請先連絡) #BDSM #BDSM表演藝術工作者 #支配與臣服 #施虐與受虐 #商品陸續上架中 #R20 #實體店面 #來店自取 #全台寄送 #貨到付款 #聖誕節 #交換禮物 #萬聖節 #生日禮物 #飛機杯 #跳蛋 #按摩棒

玩達人板橋店 蝦皮賣場 https://shopee.tw/mastertoy220 #蝦皮APP請直接搜尋 Mastertoy220 玩達人板橋店 電商賣場大補帖連結 https://linktr.ee/mastertoy220 ------------------------------- ★玩達人-板橋店★ 門市地址:新北市 板橋區 文聖街 208號 一樓 門市電話: 0988-116-292 LINE ID:Photovan 營業時間: 24小時 (請先連絡) ★玩達人-樂業店★ 門市地址:台北市大安區樂業街71號一樓 門市電話: 0912-931-084 營業時間: ★玩達人-樹林店★ 門市地址:新北市 樹林區 保安二街 84巷3號 一樓 門市電話: 0979-891-866 / 02--2202-9658 LINE ID: lovego0186 / mastertoy0186 營業時間:週一至週五 09:30-18:00 (請先連絡) #BDSM #BDSM表演藝術工作者 #支配與臣服 #施虐與受虐 #商品陸續上架中 #R20 #實體店面 #來店自取 #全台寄送 #貨到付款 #聖誕節 #交換禮物 #萬聖節 #生日禮物 #飛機杯 #跳蛋 #按摩棒

4. Thicc Squidward (@thiccsquidward)

CSGO skin collector/trader and casual shitposter. All my socials such as Youtube and Twitch can be found in the link tree

CSGO skin collector/trader and casual shitposter. All my socials such as Youtube and Twitch can be found in the link tree

5. Indigenous Primary Health Care Council (@IPHCC)

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Indigenous Primary Health Care Council (IPHCC) supports the advancement and evolution of Indigenous primary health care services and planning throughout Ontario. We are an Indigenous governed, culture-based and informed organization. The IPHCC is status neutral, which means we support Indigenous organizations providing services to Indigenous people who live on and off reserve, including: status, non-status, Inuit, and Métis within Ontario. Our vision: A health system where Indigenous people have access to high-quality, safe care, and are treated with empathy, dignity and respect. Our mission: We enable transformative and decolonizing change within individuals, organizations and systems.

Indigenous Primary Health Care Council (IPHCC) supports the advancement and evolution of Indigenous primary health care services and planning throughout Ontario. We are an Indigenous governed, culture-based and informed organization. The IPHCC is status neutral, which means we support Indigenous organizations providing services to Indigenous people who live on and off reserve, including: status, non-status, Inuit, and Métis within Ontario. Our vision: A health system where Indigenous people have access to high-quality, safe care, and are treated with empathy, dignity and respect. Our mission: We enable transformative and decolonizing change within individuals, organizations and systems.

6. Gameopoly (@Gameopoly)

Te recomendamos los mejores juegos de mesa para disfrutar con tu familia y amigos… porque la vida es mejor jugando.

Te recomendamos los mejores juegos de mesa para disfrutar con tu familia y amigos… porque la vida es mejor jugando.

7. Peacock Protestations (@PeacockCouple)

Welcome to the official youtube channel of PeacockCouple and the one and only Andi Peacock! Here you will find a variety of video topics. Everything from her makeup and nail tutorials, porn music he makes, swinging/lifestyle discussion, social commentary and much much more! This will be our fun project page for all of our vanilla creations! We don't know how this channel will develop over time, but hit that subscribe button because it'll be a good time no matter what! xoxo

Welcome to the official youtube channel of PeacockCouple and the one and only Andi Peacock! Here you will find a variety of video topics. Everything from her makeup and nail tutorials, porn music he makes, swinging/lifestyle discussion, social commentary and much much more! This will be our fun project page for all of our vanilla creations! We don't know how this channel will develop over time, but hit that subscribe button because it'll be a good time no matter what! xoxo

8. Natasha Corinne (@natashacorinne)

Hi. I'm Natasha Corinne also known as TikTash. I decided to open my youtube channel with the purpose of posting my dramatization videos that I plan to do to my favorite music under the law of fair use. That is correct non-profit, just for the art. Eventually I will also post my own music videos of songs I sing and/or co-produce or to sponsored music as well. If you know my tiktoks and enjoy them, then you are gonna love this channel, because I plan to go big here.

Hi. I'm Natasha Corinne also known as TikTash. I decided to open my youtube channel with the purpose of posting my dramatization videos that I plan to do to my favorite music under the law of fair use. That is correct non-profit, just for the art. Eventually I will also post my own music videos of songs I sing and/or co-produce or to sponsored music as well. If you know my tiktoks and enjoy them, then you are gonna love this channel, because I plan to go big here.

9. Team Takedown (@TeamTakedown)

Team Takedown is an international collective of DJs, producers, artists and dubstep and bass music enthusiasts. This is a space for learning, sharing, growing and exploring. You can find anything from live DJ mixes, exclusive music, producer tutorials, artist workshops and streaming advice on this community channel. To submit send to : teamtakedowntuesday@gmail.com

Team Takedown is an international collective of DJs, producers, artists and dubstep and bass music enthusiasts. This is a space for learning, sharing, growing and exploring. You can find anything from live DJ mixes, exclusive music, producer tutorials, artist workshops and streaming advice on this community channel. To submit send to : teamtakedowntuesday@gmail.com

10. Nicc 2.0 (@Missnicole24)

Whats up guys! Welcome to my channel. I will have various tutorials ie crochet, knitting, photoshop, affinity design all things creative. Please bare with me as I get this channel established. I am so excited to share these videos with you! All my social links are listed in my BIO.

Whats up guys! Welcome to my channel. I will have various tutorials ie crochet, knitting, photoshop, affinity design all things creative. Please bare with me as I get this channel established. I am so excited to share these videos with you! All my social links are listed in my BIO.

12. Tenebris. (@tenebrislumina)

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🖖👽 🐐 Witaj na moim kanale, gdzie pragnę się podzielić z wami moją pasją do gier i nie tylko! ~ 🎮 🧡 Pewna bliska mi osoba zasugerowała mi bym zaczęła nagrywać więc oto jestem 🦉 ̷J̷a̷k̷ ̷o̷n̷a̷ ̷t̷o̷ ̷z̷r̷o̷b̷i̷ł̷a̷ ̷p̷o̷z̷o̷s̷t̷a̷j̷e̷ ̷d̷l̷a̷ ̷m̷n̷i̷e̷ ̷z̷a̷g̷a̷d̷k̷ą̷ (・ิω・ิ) 👾 Poza moimi amatorskimi let's playami będę też wrzucać tu swoje speedpainty bo czemu nie ~ 🎨 (•ө•)♡ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

🖖👽 🐐 Witaj na moim kanale, gdzie pragnę się podzielić z wami moją pasją do gier i nie tylko! ~ 🎮 🧡 Pewna bliska mi osoba zasugerowała mi bym zaczęła nagrywać więc oto jestem 🦉 ̷J̷a̷k̷ ̷o̷n̷a̷ ̷t̷o̷ ̷z̷r̷o̷b̷i̷ł̷a̷ ̷p̷o̷z̷o̷s̷t̷a̷j̷e̷ ̷d̷l̷a̷ ̷m̷n̷i̷e̷ ̷z̷a̷g̷a̷d̷k̷ą̷ (・ิω・ิ) 👾 Poza moimi amatorskimi let's playami będę też wrzucać tu swoje speedpainty bo czemu nie ~ 🎨 (•ө•)♡ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

13. Alpha Heights Trading (@alphaheightstrading)

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Index Traders 📈 Take your trading to new heights 🏔

Index Traders 📈 Take your trading to new heights 🏔

14. Marist Career Services (@maristccs)

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Helping Marist students and alumni assess their interests, skills, and values to then connect them with the resources, people, and opportunities they need.

Helping Marist students and alumni assess their interests, skills, and values to then connect them with the resources, people, and opportunities they need.

15. ESTELARBET BRASIL (@estelarbetbr)

Torça ganhando! https://www.estelarbet.com/pt

Torça ganhando! https://www.estelarbet.com/pt

17. Mezquinos & Garduños (@acronopio)

“One believed what one was told to believe, what it made sense to believe. Unless one was a foreigner, of course, or a philosopher.”

“One believed what one was told to believe, what it made sense to believe. Unless one was a foreigner, of course, or a philosopher.”

18. JDM Project (@jdmproject)

📒 Design - Digital Printing - Offset 🏠 Perning - Mojokerto ☎️ +62 895401497050 #tukangcetak #jdmproject 🔻🔻Fast Order 🔻🔻

📒 Design - Digital Printing - Offset 🏠 Perning - Mojokerto ☎️ +62 895401497050 #tukangcetak #jdmproject 🔻🔻Fast Order 🔻🔻

20. Frecuenz (@Frecuenz)

Frecuenz es un DJ y productor oriundo de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Se introdujo como DJ en 2014, y con los años se ha ido perfeccionando para dedicarse a la música de manera profesional. Con el paso de los años dentro de la escena fue el creador & organizador del ciclo underground Back to Night. Ademas residente del ciclo konexion Su estilo fue definido originalmente por Minimal y techno, en donde se basa con atmósferas oscuras y detalles melódicos progresivos que genera una vibra cautivadora, buscando así llevar al público a un ambiente envolvente. Hace un año, comenzó a incursionar en el mundo de la producción musical. Su crecimiento fue exponencial tanto como DJ como Productor, ya que también se dedicó a producir tracks, así mismo firmando con los sellos Music4Group (Music4Aliens) y Beatcode. Ha tocado en bares y clubes reconocidos en la escena techno porteña.

Frecuenz es un DJ y productor oriundo de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Se introdujo como DJ en 2014, y con los años se ha ido perfeccionando para dedicarse a la música de manera profesional. Con el paso de los años dentro de la escena fue el creador & organizador del ciclo underground Back to Night. Ademas residente del ciclo konexion Su estilo fue definido originalmente por Minimal y techno, en donde se basa con atmósferas oscuras y detalles melódicos progresivos que genera una vibra cautivadora, buscando así llevar al público a un ambiente envolvente. Hace un año, comenzó a incursionar en el mundo de la producción musical. Su crecimiento fue exponencial tanto como DJ como Productor, ya que también se dedicó a producir tracks, así mismo firmando con los sellos Music4Group (Music4Aliens) y Beatcode. Ha tocado en bares y clubes reconocidos en la escena techno porteña.


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20 Decent YouTube Channels Directory of 2025

March 3, 2025

This is a list of the best YouTube channels and YouTube studios. Find YouTube videos, music and tv to watch, and search for the most viewed youtube videos and channels.

1. KPP Sanggau (@pajak705)

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Akun Resmi KPP Pratama Sanggau ☎️ (0564) 23499 | 📱 0812 57422601 | 📩 kpp.705@pajak.go.id Senin s.d. Jumat (08.00 s.d. 16.00) Informasi lengkap ⤵️

Akun Resmi KPP Pratama Sanggau ☎️ (0564) 23499 | 📱 0812 57422601 | 📩 kpp.705@pajak.go.id Senin s.d. Jumat (08.00 s.d. 16.00) Informasi lengkap ⤵️

2. Sacha Mattos (@sachamattos)

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Sou Sacha Mattos, tenho 23 anos, Moro na Barra da Tijuca (Rio de Janeiro), comecei no mundo artístico desde pequena, sempre gostei de tocar violão, cantar, dançar, já fiz 3 anos de teatro, estive 1 mês em cartaz no Teatro dos Grandes Atores e trabalhei durante um ano com um musical o qual eu fazia papel da Ariel. Luto Muay Thai, faço academia, gosto muito de ir a praia e ter uma vida saudável. Já trabalhei um tempo como barbeira e ganhei muitos seguidores por conta desse nicho. Não atuo mais na área, porém ainda produzo conteúdo sobre. Um dos vídeos mais virais são trazendo conteúdo de barbearia com bastante humor, atualmente estou chegando a marca de 2 milhões de seguidores no TikTok e 72 mil no Instagram. Recentemente assinei com a Agência (Crossover Records), aonde estou recebendo todo suporte e ajuda para alcançar cada vez mais a minha carreira. Vale ressaltar que também estudo pra ser uma artista e viver de música.

Sou Sacha Mattos, tenho 23 anos, Moro na Barra da Tijuca (Rio de Janeiro), comecei no mundo artístico desde pequena, sempre gostei de tocar violão, cantar, dançar, já fiz 3 anos de teatro, estive 1 mês em cartaz no Teatro dos Grandes Atores e trabalhei durante um ano com um musical o qual eu fazia papel da Ariel. Luto Muay Thai, faço academia, gosto muito de ir a praia e ter uma vida saudável. Já trabalhei um tempo como barbeira e ganhei muitos seguidores por conta desse nicho. Não atuo mais na área, porém ainda produzo conteúdo sobre. Um dos vídeos mais virais são trazendo conteúdo de barbearia com bastante humor, atualmente estou chegando a marca de 2 milhões de seguidores no TikTok e 72 mil no Instagram. Recentemente assinei com a Agência (Crossover Records), aonde estou recebendo todo suporte e ajuda para alcançar cada vez mais a minha carreira. Vale ressaltar que também estudo pra ser uma artista e viver de música.

3. 玩達人MasterToy板橋店 (@mastertoy220)

玩達人板橋店 蝦皮賣場 https://shopee.tw/mastertoy220 #蝦皮APP請直接搜尋 Mastertoy220 玩達人板橋店 電商賣場大補帖連結 https://linktr.ee/mastertoy220 ------------------------------- ★玩達人-板橋店★ 門市地址:新北市 板橋區 文聖街 208號 一樓 門市電話: 0988-116-292 LINE ID:Photovan 營業時間: 24小時 (請先連絡) ★玩達人-樂業店★ 門市地址:台北市大安區樂業街71號一樓 門市電話: 0912-931-084 營業時間: ★玩達人-樹林店★ 門市地址:新北市 樹林區 保安二街 84巷3號 一樓 門市電話: 0979-891-866 / 02--2202-9658 LINE ID: lovego0186 / mastertoy0186 營業時間:週一至週五 09:30-18:00 (請先連絡) #BDSM #BDSM表演藝術工作者 #支配與臣服 #施虐與受虐 #商品陸續上架中 #R20 #實體店面 #來店自取 #全台寄送 #貨到付款 #聖誕節 #交換禮物 #萬聖節 #生日禮物 #飛機杯 #跳蛋 #按摩棒

玩達人板橋店 蝦皮賣場 https://shopee.tw/mastertoy220 #蝦皮APP請直接搜尋 Mastertoy220 玩達人板橋店 電商賣場大補帖連結 https://linktr.ee/mastertoy220 ------------------------------- ★玩達人-板橋店★ 門市地址:新北市 板橋區 文聖街 208號 一樓 門市電話: 0988-116-292 LINE ID:Photovan 營業時間: 24小時 (請先連絡) ★玩達人-樂業店★ 門市地址:台北市大安區樂業街71號一樓 門市電話: 0912-931-084 營業時間: ★玩達人-樹林店★ 門市地址:新北市 樹林區 保安二街 84巷3號 一樓 門市電話: 0979-891-866 / 02--2202-9658 LINE ID: lovego0186 / mastertoy0186 營業時間:週一至週五 09:30-18:00 (請先連絡) #BDSM #BDSM表演藝術工作者 #支配與臣服 #施虐與受虐 #商品陸續上架中 #R20 #實體店面 #來店自取 #全台寄送 #貨到付款 #聖誕節 #交換禮物 #萬聖節 #生日禮物 #飛機杯 #跳蛋 #按摩棒

4. Thicc Squidward (@thiccsquidward)

CSGO skin collector/trader and casual shitposter. All my socials such as Youtube and Twitch can be found in the link tree

CSGO skin collector/trader and casual shitposter. All my socials such as Youtube and Twitch can be found in the link tree

5. Indigenous Primary Health Care Council (@IPHCC)

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Indigenous Primary Health Care Council (IPHCC) supports the advancement and evolution of Indigenous primary health care services and planning throughout Ontario. We are an Indigenous governed, culture-based and informed organization. The IPHCC is status neutral, which means we support Indigenous organizations providing services to Indigenous people who live on and off reserve, including: status, non-status, Inuit, and Métis within Ontario. Our vision: A health system where Indigenous people have access to high-quality, safe care, and are treated with empathy, dignity and respect. Our mission: We enable transformative and decolonizing change within individuals, organizations and systems.

Indigenous Primary Health Care Council (IPHCC) supports the advancement and evolution of Indigenous primary health care services and planning throughout Ontario. We are an Indigenous governed, culture-based and informed organization. The IPHCC is status neutral, which means we support Indigenous organizations providing services to Indigenous people who live on and off reserve, including: status, non-status, Inuit, and Métis within Ontario. Our vision: A health system where Indigenous people have access to high-quality, safe care, and are treated with empathy, dignity and respect. Our mission: We enable transformative and decolonizing change within individuals, organizations and systems.

6. Gameopoly (@Gameopoly)

Te recomendamos los mejores juegos de mesa para disfrutar con tu familia y amigos… porque la vida es mejor jugando.

Te recomendamos los mejores juegos de mesa para disfrutar con tu familia y amigos… porque la vida es mejor jugando.

7. Peacock Protestations (@PeacockCouple)

Welcome to the official youtube channel of PeacockCouple and the one and only Andi Peacock! Here you will find a variety of video topics. Everything from her makeup and nail tutorials, porn music he makes, swinging/lifestyle discussion, social commentary and much much more! This will be our fun project page for all of our vanilla creations! We don't know how this channel will develop over time, but hit that subscribe button because it'll be a good time no matter what! xoxo

Welcome to the official youtube channel of PeacockCouple and the one and only Andi Peacock! Here you will find a variety of video topics. Everything from her makeup and nail tutorials, porn music he makes, swinging/lifestyle discussion, social commentary and much much more! This will be our fun project page for all of our vanilla creations! We don't know how this channel will develop over time, but hit that subscribe button because it'll be a good time no matter what! xoxo

8. Natasha Corinne (@natashacorinne)

Hi. I'm Natasha Corinne also known as TikTash. I decided to open my youtube channel with the purpose of posting my dramatization videos that I plan to do to my favorite music under the law of fair use. That is correct non-profit, just for the art. Eventually I will also post my own music videos of songs I sing and/or co-produce or to sponsored music as well. If you know my tiktoks and enjoy them, then you are gonna love this channel, because I plan to go big here.

Hi. I'm Natasha Corinne also known as TikTash. I decided to open my youtube channel with the purpose of posting my dramatization videos that I plan to do to my favorite music under the law of fair use. That is correct non-profit, just for the art. Eventually I will also post my own music videos of songs I sing and/or co-produce or to sponsored music as well. If you know my tiktoks and enjoy them, then you are gonna love this channel, because I plan to go big here.

9. Team Takedown (@TeamTakedown)

Team Takedown is an international collective of DJs, producers, artists and dubstep and bass music enthusiasts. This is a space for learning, sharing, growing and exploring. You can find anything from live DJ mixes, exclusive music, producer tutorials, artist workshops and streaming advice on this community channel. To submit send to : teamtakedowntuesday@gmail.com

Team Takedown is an international collective of DJs, producers, artists and dubstep and bass music enthusiasts. This is a space for learning, sharing, growing and exploring. You can find anything from live DJ mixes, exclusive music, producer tutorials, artist workshops and streaming advice on this community channel. To submit send to : teamtakedowntuesday@gmail.com

10. Nicc 2.0 (@Missnicole24)

Whats up guys! Welcome to my channel. I will have various tutorials ie crochet, knitting, photoshop, affinity design all things creative. Please bare with me as I get this channel established. I am so excited to share these videos with you! All my social links are listed in my BIO.

Whats up guys! Welcome to my channel. I will have various tutorials ie crochet, knitting, photoshop, affinity design all things creative. Please bare with me as I get this channel established. I am so excited to share these videos with you! All my social links are listed in my BIO.

12. Tenebris. (@tenebrislumina)

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🖖👽 🐐 Witaj na moim kanale, gdzie pragnę się podzielić z wami moją pasją do gier i nie tylko! ~ 🎮 🧡 Pewna bliska mi osoba zasugerowała mi bym zaczęła nagrywać więc oto jestem 🦉 ̷J̷a̷k̷ ̷o̷n̷a̷ ̷t̷o̷ ̷z̷r̷o̷b̷i̷ł̷a̷ ̷p̷o̷z̷o̷s̷t̷a̷j̷e̷ ̷d̷l̷a̷ ̷m̷n̷i̷e̷ ̷z̷a̷g̷a̷d̷k̷ą̷ (・ิω・ิ) 👾 Poza moimi amatorskimi let's playami będę też wrzucać tu swoje speedpainty bo czemu nie ~ 🎨 (•ө•)♡ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

🖖👽 🐐 Witaj na moim kanale, gdzie pragnę się podzielić z wami moją pasją do gier i nie tylko! ~ 🎮 🧡 Pewna bliska mi osoba zasugerowała mi bym zaczęła nagrywać więc oto jestem 🦉 ̷J̷a̷k̷ ̷o̷n̷a̷ ̷t̷o̷ ̷z̷r̷o̷b̷i̷ł̷a̷ ̷p̷o̷z̷o̷s̷t̷a̷j̷e̷ ̷d̷l̷a̷ ̷m̷n̷i̷e̷ ̷z̷a̷g̷a̷d̷k̷ą̷ (・ิω・ิ) 👾 Poza moimi amatorskimi let's playami będę też wrzucać tu swoje speedpainty bo czemu nie ~ 🎨 (•ө•)♡ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

13. Alpha Heights Trading (@alphaheightstrading)

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Build Your Profile

Index Traders 📈 Take your trading to new heights 🏔

Index Traders 📈 Take your trading to new heights 🏔

14. Marist Career Services (@maristccs)

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Helping Marist students and alumni assess their interests, skills, and values to then connect them with the resources, people, and opportunities they need.

Helping Marist students and alumni assess their interests, skills, and values to then connect them with the resources, people, and opportunities they need.

15. ESTELARBET BRASIL (@estelarbetbr)

Torça ganhando! https://www.estelarbet.com/pt

Torça ganhando! https://www.estelarbet.com/pt

17. Mezquinos & Garduños (@acronopio)

“One believed what one was told to believe, what it made sense to believe. Unless one was a foreigner, of course, or a philosopher.”

“One believed what one was told to believe, what it made sense to believe. Unless one was a foreigner, of course, or a philosopher.”

18. JDM Project (@jdmproject)

📒 Design - Digital Printing - Offset 🏠 Perning - Mojokerto ☎️ +62 895401497050 #tukangcetak #jdmproject 🔻🔻Fast Order 🔻🔻

📒 Design - Digital Printing - Offset 🏠 Perning - Mojokerto ☎️ +62 895401497050 #tukangcetak #jdmproject 🔻🔻Fast Order 🔻🔻

20. Frecuenz (@Frecuenz)

Frecuenz es un DJ y productor oriundo de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Se introdujo como DJ en 2014, y con los años se ha ido perfeccionando para dedicarse a la música de manera profesional. Con el paso de los años dentro de la escena fue el creador & organizador del ciclo underground Back to Night. Ademas residente del ciclo konexion Su estilo fue definido originalmente por Minimal y techno, en donde se basa con atmósferas oscuras y detalles melódicos progresivos que genera una vibra cautivadora, buscando así llevar al público a un ambiente envolvente. Hace un año, comenzó a incursionar en el mundo de la producción musical. Su crecimiento fue exponencial tanto como DJ como Productor, ya que también se dedicó a producir tracks, así mismo firmando con los sellos Music4Group (Music4Aliens) y Beatcode. Ha tocado en bares y clubes reconocidos en la escena techno porteña.

Frecuenz es un DJ y productor oriundo de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Se introdujo como DJ en 2014, y con los años se ha ido perfeccionando para dedicarse a la música de manera profesional. Con el paso de los años dentro de la escena fue el creador & organizador del ciclo underground Back to Night. Ademas residente del ciclo konexion Su estilo fue definido originalmente por Minimal y techno, en donde se basa con atmósferas oscuras y detalles melódicos progresivos que genera una vibra cautivadora, buscando así llevar al público a un ambiente envolvente. Hace un año, comenzó a incursionar en el mundo de la producción musical. Su crecimiento fue exponencial tanto como DJ como Productor, ya que también se dedicó a producir tracks, así mismo firmando con los sellos Music4Group (Music4Aliens) y Beatcode. Ha tocado en bares y clubes reconocidos en la escena techno porteña.