
20 Best YouTube Channels Ranking Page of 2025 - List 18

March 3, 2025

This is a list of the best YouTube channels and YouTube studios. Find YouTube videos, music and tv to watch, and search for the most viewed youtube videos and channels. Also find similar YouTube accounts to follow.

1. Rose Vega (@Rosemarie.Vega)

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1. Rose Vega (@Rosemarie.Vega)

  • 770k

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"Thank you for visiting my channel! Your love and support really matters to me." - Rose ABOUT ROSE: A full-time mom, featured in 90-Day Fiancé Season Four, a God-fearer and Goal Seeker. FOR MORE, YOU MAY FOLLOW ME ON MY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS: [INSTAGRAM] https://www.instagram.com/rose_vega_official [TIKTOK] https://www.tiktok.com/@rose_vega_official28 [Request Personalized Greetings on CAMEO] https://www.cameo.com/rose.vega7169 [FACEBOOK PAGE] https://www.facebook.com/rosevegaofficial Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and COMMENT! Love you all and God bless! Take care!

"Thank you for visiting my channel! Your love and support really matters to me." - Rose ABOUT ROSE: A full-time mom, featured in 90-Day Fiancé Season Four, a God-fearer and Goal Seeker. FOR MORE, YOU MAY FOLLOW ME ON MY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS: [INSTAGRAM] https://www.instagram.com/rose_vega_official [TIKTOK] https://www.tiktok.com/@rose_vega_official28 [Request Personalized Greetings on CAMEO] https://www.cameo.com/rose.vega7169 [FACEBOOK PAGE] https://www.facebook.com/rosevegaofficial Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and COMMENT! Love you all and God bless! Take care!
  • 770k

3. TAMU Physics & Astronomy (@tamuphysastr)

  • 330k

  • 6.7k

  • 760k

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The Department of Physics and Astronomy within Texas A&M University is home to internationally leading research in astronomy, atomic physics, quantum optics, condensed matter physics, high energy physics, nuclear physics, and related areas. We offer our students a variety of graduate and undergraduate degree options. Many more students from all disciplines receive basic training in sciences in our our state-of-art teaching facilities. Our department is committed to giving back to society through our numerous outreach events.

The Department of Physics and Astronomy within Texas A&M University is home to internationally leading research in astronomy, atomic physics, quantum optics, condensed matter physics, high energy physics, nuclear physics, and related areas. We offer our students a variety of graduate and undergraduate degree options. Many more students from all disciplines receive basic training in sciences in our our state-of-art teaching facilities. Our department is committed to giving back to society through our numerous outreach events.
  • 330k

  • 6.7k

  • 760k

4. Great Learning (@greatlearning)

Great Learning is Asia’s leading professional learning platform, offering top-ranked programs in AI, Data Science, Analytics, Cloud Computing, Full-stack Development, Cybersecurity, Digital Marketing, Digital Business, Design Thinking and more. Great Learning's programs are developed in collaboration with the world's foremost academic institutions like Stanford GSB, MIT, IITB, IITM, Great Lakes Inst of Management, and The University of Texas at Austin. We have delivered over 101 million+ learning hours and impacted 5.9 million+ learners in 170+ Countries. Great Learning aims to make quality education accessible to anyone who wants to learn. Great Learning Academy (https://www.mygreatlearning.com/academy), our commitment to aid free learning, offers 1200+ completely FREE courses in the most in-demand job domains. In addition to videos, you can earn certificates of completion, do assignments and projects, attend live sessions and interact with top faculty & industry experts.

Great Learning is Asia’s leading professional learning platform, offering top-ranked programs in AI, Data Science, Analytics, Cloud Computing, Full-stack Development, Cybersecurity, Digital Marketing, Digital Business, Design Thinking and more. Great Learning's programs are developed in collaboration with the world's foremost academic institutions like Stanford GSB, MIT, IITB, IITM, Great Lakes Inst of Management, and The University of Texas at Austin. We have delivered over 101 million+ learning hours and impacted 5.9 million+ learners in 170+ Countries. Great Learning aims to make quality education accessible to anyone who wants to learn. Great Learning Academy (https://www.mygreatlearning.com/academy), our commitment to aid free learning, offers 1200+ completely FREE courses in the most in-demand job domains. In addition to videos, you can earn certificates of completion, do assignments and projects, attend live sessions and interact with top faculty & industry experts.

5. Caio Signoretti (@caiontreino)

💪🏼 Sou Personal Trainer Online 🌍 Tenho alunos no mundo todo 👉 Te ajudo a tonificar, emagrecer e definir ⤵️ https://treinocaion.com.br/

💪🏼 Sou Personal Trainer Online 🌍 Tenho alunos no mundo todo 👉 Te ajudo a tonificar, emagrecer e definir ⤵️ https://treinocaion.com.br/

6. Dokter Gigi Tri Putra (@doktergigi_)

  • 520k

  • 150k

  • 760k

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@drg.triputra @diskon.doktergigi_ . Klinik 📍Cilandak 📍Grogol 📍Cempaka Putih 📍Bekasi 📍Medan . NO DM 📩❌️ Info biaya, alamat & pendaftaran silahkn klik 👇

@drg.triputra @diskon.doktergigi_ . Klinik 📍Cilandak 📍Grogol 📍Cempaka Putih 📍Bekasi 📍Medan . NO DM 📩❌️ Info biaya, alamat & pendaftaran silahkn klik 👇

7. Felipe Araujo (@f3lipearaujo)

Olá, estudante! 📚 Seja bem-vindo ao meu canal! Após um deficiente ensino médio no interior da Paraíba, decidi estudar sozinho e, ao longo da minha preparação, desenvolvi diversas metodologias de estudo que viabilizaram a minha aprovação no ENEM. A fim de levar esse conhecimento para um maior número de estudantes e democratizar a educação, deixei a minha mesinha de estudos para me dedicar a produção de conteúdo na internet. Através desse canal, meu principal objetivo é ajudar a maior quantidade de alunos a alcançar a tão sonhada vaga na universidade e, analogamente, auxiliar estudantes universitários a se desenvolverem e se destacarem no meio acadêmico. Então, pega um papel e um lápis e vamos aprender juntos! ✉️ Contate-nos se você tem alguma proposta comercial! felipearaujo@educacione.com.br

Olá, estudante! 📚 Seja bem-vindo ao meu canal! Após um deficiente ensino médio no interior da Paraíba, decidi estudar sozinho e, ao longo da minha preparação, desenvolvi diversas metodologias de estudo que viabilizaram a minha aprovação no ENEM. A fim de levar esse conhecimento para um maior número de estudantes e democratizar a educação, deixei a minha mesinha de estudos para me dedicar a produção de conteúdo na internet. Através desse canal, meu principal objetivo é ajudar a maior quantidade de alunos a alcançar a tão sonhada vaga na universidade e, analogamente, auxiliar estudantes universitários a se desenvolverem e se destacarem no meio acadêmico. Então, pega um papel e um lápis e vamos aprender juntos! ✉️ Contate-nos se você tem alguma proposta comercial! felipearaujo@educacione.com.br

8. pildorasinformaticas (@pildorasinformaticas)

Este canal pretende compartir conocimientos informáticos entre todos los integrantes de la comunidad Internet. Se tratarán diversas materias, desde ofimática básica y avanzada hasta programación, pasando por diseño gráfico y web.

Este canal pretende compartir conocimientos informáticos entre todos los integrantes de la comunidad Internet. Se tratarán diversas materias, desde ofimática básica y avanzada hasta programación, pasando por diseño gráfico y web.

9. دليلك للايلتس (@dalilk4ielts)

  • 670k

  • 440k

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🙅🏻‍♂️انا عبدالرحمن حجازي 💂🏻‍♀️ بديت من الصفر في الانجليزي 🔑 عانيت في الايلتس ٣ سنوات ومن ٣ وصلت لدرجة ٨ في الايلتس 💛وقررت بعدها انه راح اخدم١٠ مليون شخص بتجربتي، وكل اللي اقدر عليه 💎 وهنا بشاركك خلاصة عشرات الكتب، التكنيكات، افضل المصادر و الدروس اللي اتعلمتها خلال مذاكرة فوق الـ١٠٠٠ ساعة اللي ذاكرتها 🇬🇧‏ CambridgeUP و @idpieltsksa وعشان اساعدك اكثر واكثر بحمدلله صرت شريك رسمي مع

🙅🏻‍♂️انا عبدالرحمن حجازي 💂🏻‍♀️ بديت من الصفر في الانجليزي 🔑 عانيت في الايلتس ٣ سنوات ومن ٣ وصلت لدرجة ٨ في الايلتس 💛وقررت بعدها انه راح اخدم١٠ مليون شخص بتجربتي، وكل اللي اقدر عليه 💎 وهنا بشاركك خلاصة عشرات الكتب، التكنيكات، افضل المصادر و الدروس اللي اتعلمتها خلال مذاكرة فوق الـ١٠٠٠ ساعة اللي ذاكرتها 🇬🇧‏ CambridgeUP و @idpieltsksa وعشان اساعدك اكثر واكثر بحمدلله صرت شريك رسمي مع

10. Sp00nerism (@sp00nerism)

  • 6.9k

  • 300k

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Hi I'm Nick or Sp00n I play video games and stuff. I sometimes scream.

Hi I'm Nick or Sp00n I play video games and stuff. I sometimes scream.

11. ATARASHII GAKKO! - 新しい学校のリーダーズ (@atarashiigakko)

  • 650k

  • 93k

  • 750k

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Whirlwind group ATARASHII GAKKO! represent a new generation of Japanese youth (seishun in their native language), one embracing personal expression and pushing against traditional boundaries a little at a time. The outlandish quartet — comprised of kawaii-but- fierce MIZYU, wildcard SUZUKA, graceful KANON and funky RIN — break genre walls to create music mixing elements of pop, jazz, hip-hop, rock and more, delivered with punk energy and featuring frantic dance moves, choreographed by the four members themselves. 個性と自由ではみ出す4人組ダンスヴォーカルユニット 自称"青春日本代表" パワフルなダンスを武器に、全曲メンバー振り付けで構成されたライブが、おでんの中の大根より熱いと支持され、 アジアのカルチャーを世界に発信するレーベル88risingより2021年世界デビュー。 それ相応のざわつきを生み出し、TikTokフォロワーは360万人Over、動画のクリエイションにも個性を発揮。 振り付け師集団としても多数のオファーを受け、活動の幅を広げている。

Whirlwind group ATARASHII GAKKO! represent a new generation of Japanese youth (seishun in their native language), one embracing personal expression and pushing against traditional boundaries a little at a time. The outlandish quartet — comprised of kawaii-but- fierce MIZYU, wildcard SUZUKA, graceful KANON and funky RIN — break genre walls to create music mixing elements of pop, jazz, hip-hop, rock and more, delivered with punk energy and featuring frantic dance moves, choreographed by the four members themselves. 個性と自由ではみ出す4人組ダンスヴォーカルユニット 自称"青春日本代表" パワフルなダンスを武器に、全曲メンバー振り付けで構成されたライブが、おでんの中の大根より熱いと支持され、 アジアのカルチャーを世界に発信するレーベル88risingより2021年世界デビュー。 それ相応のざわつきを生み出し、TikTokフォロワーは360万人Over、動画のクリエイションにも個性を発揮。 振り付け師集団としても多数のオファーを受け、活動の幅を広げている。

12. Raiam Santos (@kobehub)

Nos meus vídeos vou te ensinar tudo que você precisa saber sobre empreendedorismo digital, ganhar dinheiro na internet, nomadismo digital, marketing digital, geopolítica, notícias, networking, bolsa de valores, startups, desenvolvimento pessoal e muito mais! Se você quer ser um nômade digital e viajar o mundo enquanto fica rico via renda passiva, você está no lugar certo! Um dos escritores mais vendidos da história da internet brasileira, Raiam Santos começou sua carreira no mercado financeiro aos 21 anos. Cansado de Wall Street o jovem promissor do mercado financeiro larga tudo para ir atrás de seu sonho, levantar a auto-estima, a curiosidades, o conhecimento e a ambição da juventude brasileira. Hoje, além de ter escrito 8 livros, comanda uma holding de empresas que fatura mais de um milhão por mês e pode se considerar aposentado financeiramente aos 28 anos. Tamo junto e é só o começo!

Nos meus vídeos vou te ensinar tudo que você precisa saber sobre empreendedorismo digital, ganhar dinheiro na internet, nomadismo digital, marketing digital, geopolítica, notícias, networking, bolsa de valores, startups, desenvolvimento pessoal e muito mais! Se você quer ser um nômade digital e viajar o mundo enquanto fica rico via renda passiva, você está no lugar certo! Um dos escritores mais vendidos da história da internet brasileira, Raiam Santos começou sua carreira no mercado financeiro aos 21 anos. Cansado de Wall Street o jovem promissor do mercado financeiro larga tudo para ir atrás de seu sonho, levantar a auto-estima, a curiosidades, o conhecimento e a ambição da juventude brasileira. Hoje, além de ter escrito 8 livros, comanda uma holding de empresas que fatura mais de um milhão por mês e pode se considerar aposentado financeiramente aos 28 anos. Tamo junto e é só o começo!


Ruang bicara yang terbuka untuk semua kalangan dengan orientasi, identitas, preferensi, dan sudut pandang apapun.

Ruang bicara yang terbuka untuk semua kalangan dengan orientasi, identitas, preferensi, dan sudut pandang apapun.

14. Cameron Philip K (@cameronphilip)

  • 120k

  • 93k

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personal instagram - @pinballs_dad business - MGMT@cameronphilip.com ‘the end of the world’ out now ⬇️

personal instagram - @pinballs_dad business - MGMT@cameronphilip.com ‘the end of the world’ out now ⬇️

15. American Standard Dog Training (@AmericanStandardK9)

https://www.linktr.ee/AmericanStandardK9 The best dog training in South Florida and beyond. With over 20+ years of working and training police dogs for the street and competition, we're able to provide our clients with realistic and proven results for training their furry four-legged children. We provide videos on how to train your dog or puppy so that you, the viewer at home, can follow along with our proven techniques and practice at home with your own dog or puppy to improve their obedience and manners so that everyone can enjoy a calm and happy existence. We offer a very exclusive board and train program in our South Florida home where your dog or puppy will live with us in our home with my family while we train. This affords your dog or puppy an unbeatable opportunity to learn and train in an actual home environment with children and several other dogs. Our training is exceptional! Please feel free to reach out if you have questions or comments. Stay safe and train hard!

https://www.linktr.ee/AmericanStandardK9 The best dog training in South Florida and beyond. With over 20+ years of working and training police dogs for the street and competition, we're able to provide our clients with realistic and proven results for training their furry four-legged children. We provide videos on how to train your dog or puppy so that you, the viewer at home, can follow along with our proven techniques and practice at home with your own dog or puppy to improve their obedience and manners so that everyone can enjoy a calm and happy existence. We offer a very exclusive board and train program in our South Florida home where your dog or puppy will live with us in our home with my family while we train. This affords your dog or puppy an unbeatable opportunity to learn and train in an actual home environment with children and several other dogs. Our training is exceptional! Please feel free to reach out if you have questions or comments. Stay safe and train hard!

16. Bukkit Brown (@bukkitbrown)

Im just here to be cringe and enjoy life 👍

Im just here to be cringe and enjoy life 👍

17. Professor Ricardo Marcílio (@professorricardomarcilio)

Canal dedicado a pessoas que buscam uma visão crítica dos principais acontecimentos do mundo. Voltado a pré-vestibulandos e curiosos em geral em assuntos relacionados à Geografia & Atualidades

Canal dedicado a pessoas que buscam uma visão crítica dos principais acontecimentos do mundo. Voltado a pré-vestibulandos e curiosos em geral em assuntos relacionados à Geografia & Atualidades

18. plaqueboymax (@plaqueboymax)

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Watch Me LIVE on Twitch @plaqueboymax

Watch Me LIVE on Twitch @plaqueboymax

19. Alyssa Kulani (@alyssakulani)

new videos every week baaaabby instagram: @alyssakulani tiktok: @notalyssakulani snapchat: alyssaa_brielle twitter: @alyssakulani business inquiries only: alyssakulani@weareverified.co

new videos every week baaaabby instagram: @alyssakulani tiktok: @notalyssakulani snapchat: alyssaa_brielle twitter: @alyssakulani business inquiries only: alyssakulani@weareverified.co


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20 Best YouTube Channels Ranking Page of 2025 - List 18

March 3, 2025

This is a list of the best YouTube channels and YouTube studios. Find YouTube videos, music and tv to watch, and search for the most viewed youtube videos and channels. Also find similar YouTube accounts to follow.

1. Rose Vega (@Rosemarie.Vega)

"Thank you for visiting my channel! Your love and support really matters to me." - Rose ABOUT ROSE: A full-time mom, featured in 90-Day Fiancé Season Four, a God-fearer and Goal Seeker. FOR MORE, YOU MAY FOLLOW ME ON MY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS: [INSTAGRAM] https://www.instagram.com/rose_vega_official [TIKTOK] https://www.tiktok.com/@rose_vega_official28 [Request Personalized Greetings on CAMEO] https://www.cameo.com/rose.vega7169 [FACEBOOK PAGE] https://www.facebook.com/rosevegaofficial Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and COMMENT! Love you all and God bless! Take care!

"Thank you for visiting my channel! Your love and support really matters to me." - Rose ABOUT ROSE: A full-time mom, featured in 90-Day Fiancé Season Four, a God-fearer and Goal Seeker. FOR MORE, YOU MAY FOLLOW ME ON MY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS: [INSTAGRAM] https://www.instagram.com/rose_vega_official [TIKTOK] https://www.tiktok.com/@rose_vega_official28 [Request Personalized Greetings on CAMEO] https://www.cameo.com/rose.vega7169 [FACEBOOK PAGE] https://www.facebook.com/rosevegaofficial Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and COMMENT! Love you all and God bless! Take care!

3. TAMU Physics & Astronomy (@tamuphysastr)

  • 330k

  • 6.7k

  • 760k

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The Department of Physics and Astronomy within Texas A&M University is home to internationally leading research in astronomy, atomic physics, quantum optics, condensed matter physics, high energy physics, nuclear physics, and related areas. We offer our students a variety of graduate and undergraduate degree options. Many more students from all disciplines receive basic training in sciences in our our state-of-art teaching facilities. Our department is committed to giving back to society through our numerous outreach events.

The Department of Physics and Astronomy within Texas A&M University is home to internationally leading research in astronomy, atomic physics, quantum optics, condensed matter physics, high energy physics, nuclear physics, and related areas. We offer our students a variety of graduate and undergraduate degree options. Many more students from all disciplines receive basic training in sciences in our our state-of-art teaching facilities. Our department is committed to giving back to society through our numerous outreach events.

4. Great Learning (@greatlearning)

Great Learning is Asia’s leading professional learning platform, offering top-ranked programs in AI, Data Science, Analytics, Cloud Computing, Full-stack Development, Cybersecurity, Digital Marketing, Digital Business, Design Thinking and more. Great Learning's programs are developed in collaboration with the world's foremost academic institutions like Stanford GSB, MIT, IITB, IITM, Great Lakes Inst of Management, and The University of Texas at Austin. We have delivered over 101 million+ learning hours and impacted 5.9 million+ learners in 170+ Countries. Great Learning aims to make quality education accessible to anyone who wants to learn. Great Learning Academy (https://www.mygreatlearning.com/academy), our commitment to aid free learning, offers 1200+ completely FREE courses in the most in-demand job domains. In addition to videos, you can earn certificates of completion, do assignments and projects, attend live sessions and interact with top faculty & industry experts.

Great Learning is Asia’s leading professional learning platform, offering top-ranked programs in AI, Data Science, Analytics, Cloud Computing, Full-stack Development, Cybersecurity, Digital Marketing, Digital Business, Design Thinking and more. Great Learning's programs are developed in collaboration with the world's foremost academic institutions like Stanford GSB, MIT, IITB, IITM, Great Lakes Inst of Management, and The University of Texas at Austin. We have delivered over 101 million+ learning hours and impacted 5.9 million+ learners in 170+ Countries. Great Learning aims to make quality education accessible to anyone who wants to learn. Great Learning Academy (https://www.mygreatlearning.com/academy), our commitment to aid free learning, offers 1200+ completely FREE courses in the most in-demand job domains. In addition to videos, you can earn certificates of completion, do assignments and projects, attend live sessions and interact with top faculty & industry experts.

5. Caio Signoretti (@caiontreino)

💪🏼 Sou Personal Trainer Online 🌍 Tenho alunos no mundo todo 👉 Te ajudo a tonificar, emagrecer e definir ⤵️ https://treinocaion.com.br/

💪🏼 Sou Personal Trainer Online 🌍 Tenho alunos no mundo todo 👉 Te ajudo a tonificar, emagrecer e definir ⤵️ https://treinocaion.com.br/

6. Dokter Gigi Tri Putra (@doktergigi_)

  • 520k

  • 150k

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@drg.triputra @diskon.doktergigi_ . Klinik 📍Cilandak 📍Grogol 📍Cempaka Putih 📍Bekasi 📍Medan . NO DM 📩❌️ Info biaya, alamat & pendaftaran silahkn klik 👇

@drg.triputra @diskon.doktergigi_ . Klinik 📍Cilandak 📍Grogol 📍Cempaka Putih 📍Bekasi 📍Medan . NO DM 📩❌️ Info biaya, alamat & pendaftaran silahkn klik 👇

7. Felipe Araujo (@f3lipearaujo)

Olá, estudante! 📚 Seja bem-vindo ao meu canal! Após um deficiente ensino médio no interior da Paraíba, decidi estudar sozinho e, ao longo da minha preparação, desenvolvi diversas metodologias de estudo que viabilizaram a minha aprovação no ENEM. A fim de levar esse conhecimento para um maior número de estudantes e democratizar a educação, deixei a minha mesinha de estudos para me dedicar a produção de conteúdo na internet. Através desse canal, meu principal objetivo é ajudar a maior quantidade de alunos a alcançar a tão sonhada vaga na universidade e, analogamente, auxiliar estudantes universitários a se desenvolverem e se destacarem no meio acadêmico. Então, pega um papel e um lápis e vamos aprender juntos! ✉️ Contate-nos se você tem alguma proposta comercial! felipearaujo@educacione.com.br

Olá, estudante! 📚 Seja bem-vindo ao meu canal! Após um deficiente ensino médio no interior da Paraíba, decidi estudar sozinho e, ao longo da minha preparação, desenvolvi diversas metodologias de estudo que viabilizaram a minha aprovação no ENEM. A fim de levar esse conhecimento para um maior número de estudantes e democratizar a educação, deixei a minha mesinha de estudos para me dedicar a produção de conteúdo na internet. Através desse canal, meu principal objetivo é ajudar a maior quantidade de alunos a alcançar a tão sonhada vaga na universidade e, analogamente, auxiliar estudantes universitários a se desenvolverem e se destacarem no meio acadêmico. Então, pega um papel e um lápis e vamos aprender juntos! ✉️ Contate-nos se você tem alguma proposta comercial! felipearaujo@educacione.com.br

8. pildorasinformaticas (@pildorasinformaticas)

Este canal pretende compartir conocimientos informáticos entre todos los integrantes de la comunidad Internet. Se tratarán diversas materias, desde ofimática básica y avanzada hasta programación, pasando por diseño gráfico y web.

Este canal pretende compartir conocimientos informáticos entre todos los integrantes de la comunidad Internet. Se tratarán diversas materias, desde ofimática básica y avanzada hasta programación, pasando por diseño gráfico y web.

9. دليلك للايلتس (@dalilk4ielts)

  • 670k

  • 440k

  • 750k

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🙅🏻‍♂️انا عبدالرحمن حجازي 💂🏻‍♀️ بديت من الصفر في الانجليزي 🔑 عانيت في الايلتس ٣ سنوات ومن ٣ وصلت لدرجة ٨ في الايلتس 💛وقررت بعدها انه راح اخدم١٠ مليون شخص بتجربتي، وكل اللي اقدر عليه 💎 وهنا بشاركك خلاصة عشرات الكتب، التكنيكات، افضل المصادر و الدروس اللي اتعلمتها خلال مذاكرة فوق الـ١٠٠٠ ساعة اللي ذاكرتها 🇬🇧‏ CambridgeUP و @idpieltsksa وعشان اساعدك اكثر واكثر بحمدلله صرت شريك رسمي مع

🙅🏻‍♂️انا عبدالرحمن حجازي 💂🏻‍♀️ بديت من الصفر في الانجليزي 🔑 عانيت في الايلتس ٣ سنوات ومن ٣ وصلت لدرجة ٨ في الايلتس 💛وقررت بعدها انه راح اخدم١٠ مليون شخص بتجربتي، وكل اللي اقدر عليه 💎 وهنا بشاركك خلاصة عشرات الكتب، التكنيكات، افضل المصادر و الدروس اللي اتعلمتها خلال مذاكرة فوق الـ١٠٠٠ ساعة اللي ذاكرتها 🇬🇧‏ CambridgeUP و @idpieltsksa وعشان اساعدك اكثر واكثر بحمدلله صرت شريك رسمي مع

10. Sp00nerism (@sp00nerism)

  • 6.9k

  • 300k

  • 750k

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Hi I'm Nick or Sp00n I play video games and stuff. I sometimes scream.

Hi I'm Nick or Sp00n I play video games and stuff. I sometimes scream.

11. ATARASHII GAKKO! - 新しい学校のリーダーズ (@atarashiigakko)

  • 650k

  • 93k

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Whirlwind group ATARASHII GAKKO! represent a new generation of Japanese youth (seishun in their native language), one embracing personal expression and pushing against traditional boundaries a little at a time. The outlandish quartet — comprised of kawaii-but- fierce MIZYU, wildcard SUZUKA, graceful KANON and funky RIN — break genre walls to create music mixing elements of pop, jazz, hip-hop, rock and more, delivered with punk energy and featuring frantic dance moves, choreographed by the four members themselves. 個性と自由ではみ出す4人組ダンスヴォーカルユニット 自称"青春日本代表" パワフルなダンスを武器に、全曲メンバー振り付けで構成されたライブが、おでんの中の大根より熱いと支持され、 アジアのカルチャーを世界に発信するレーベル88risingより2021年世界デビュー。 それ相応のざわつきを生み出し、TikTokフォロワーは360万人Over、動画のクリエイションにも個性を発揮。 振り付け師集団としても多数のオファーを受け、活動の幅を広げている。

Whirlwind group ATARASHII GAKKO! represent a new generation of Japanese youth (seishun in their native language), one embracing personal expression and pushing against traditional boundaries a little at a time. The outlandish quartet — comprised of kawaii-but- fierce MIZYU, wildcard SUZUKA, graceful KANON and funky RIN — break genre walls to create music mixing elements of pop, jazz, hip-hop, rock and more, delivered with punk energy and featuring frantic dance moves, choreographed by the four members themselves. 個性と自由ではみ出す4人組ダンスヴォーカルユニット 自称"青春日本代表" パワフルなダンスを武器に、全曲メンバー振り付けで構成されたライブが、おでんの中の大根より熱いと支持され、 アジアのカルチャーを世界に発信するレーベル88risingより2021年世界デビュー。 それ相応のざわつきを生み出し、TikTokフォロワーは360万人Over、動画のクリエイションにも個性を発揮。 振り付け師集団としても多数のオファーを受け、活動の幅を広げている。

12. Raiam Santos (@kobehub)

Nos meus vídeos vou te ensinar tudo que você precisa saber sobre empreendedorismo digital, ganhar dinheiro na internet, nomadismo digital, marketing digital, geopolítica, notícias, networking, bolsa de valores, startups, desenvolvimento pessoal e muito mais! Se você quer ser um nômade digital e viajar o mundo enquanto fica rico via renda passiva, você está no lugar certo! Um dos escritores mais vendidos da história da internet brasileira, Raiam Santos começou sua carreira no mercado financeiro aos 21 anos. Cansado de Wall Street o jovem promissor do mercado financeiro larga tudo para ir atrás de seu sonho, levantar a auto-estima, a curiosidades, o conhecimento e a ambição da juventude brasileira. Hoje, além de ter escrito 8 livros, comanda uma holding de empresas que fatura mais de um milhão por mês e pode se considerar aposentado financeiramente aos 28 anos. Tamo junto e é só o começo!

Nos meus vídeos vou te ensinar tudo que você precisa saber sobre empreendedorismo digital, ganhar dinheiro na internet, nomadismo digital, marketing digital, geopolítica, notícias, networking, bolsa de valores, startups, desenvolvimento pessoal e muito mais! Se você quer ser um nômade digital e viajar o mundo enquanto fica rico via renda passiva, você está no lugar certo! Um dos escritores mais vendidos da história da internet brasileira, Raiam Santos começou sua carreira no mercado financeiro aos 21 anos. Cansado de Wall Street o jovem promissor do mercado financeiro larga tudo para ir atrás de seu sonho, levantar a auto-estima, a curiosidades, o conhecimento e a ambição da juventude brasileira. Hoje, além de ter escrito 8 livros, comanda uma holding de empresas que fatura mais de um milhão por mês e pode se considerar aposentado financeiramente aos 28 anos. Tamo junto e é só o começo!


Ruang bicara yang terbuka untuk semua kalangan dengan orientasi, identitas, preferensi, dan sudut pandang apapun.

Ruang bicara yang terbuka untuk semua kalangan dengan orientasi, identitas, preferensi, dan sudut pandang apapun.

14. Cameron Philip K (@cameronphilip)

  • 120k

  • 93k

  • 740k

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personal instagram - @pinballs_dad business - MGMT@cameronphilip.com ‘the end of the world’ out now ⬇️

personal instagram - @pinballs_dad business - MGMT@cameronphilip.com ‘the end of the world’ out now ⬇️

15. American Standard Dog Training (@AmericanStandardK9)

https://www.linktr.ee/AmericanStandardK9 The best dog training in South Florida and beyond. With over 20+ years of working and training police dogs for the street and competition, we're able to provide our clients with realistic and proven results for training their furry four-legged children. We provide videos on how to train your dog or puppy so that you, the viewer at home, can follow along with our proven techniques and practice at home with your own dog or puppy to improve their obedience and manners so that everyone can enjoy a calm and happy existence. We offer a very exclusive board and train program in our South Florida home where your dog or puppy will live with us in our home with my family while we train. This affords your dog or puppy an unbeatable opportunity to learn and train in an actual home environment with children and several other dogs. Our training is exceptional! Please feel free to reach out if you have questions or comments. Stay safe and train hard!

https://www.linktr.ee/AmericanStandardK9 The best dog training in South Florida and beyond. With over 20+ years of working and training police dogs for the street and competition, we're able to provide our clients with realistic and proven results for training their furry four-legged children. We provide videos on how to train your dog or puppy so that you, the viewer at home, can follow along with our proven techniques and practice at home with your own dog or puppy to improve their obedience and manners so that everyone can enjoy a calm and happy existence. We offer a very exclusive board and train program in our South Florida home where your dog or puppy will live with us in our home with my family while we train. This affords your dog or puppy an unbeatable opportunity to learn and train in an actual home environment with children and several other dogs. Our training is exceptional! Please feel free to reach out if you have questions or comments. Stay safe and train hard!

16. Bukkit Brown (@bukkitbrown)

Im just here to be cringe and enjoy life 👍

Im just here to be cringe and enjoy life 👍

17. Professor Ricardo Marcílio (@professorricardomarcilio)

Canal dedicado a pessoas que buscam uma visão crítica dos principais acontecimentos do mundo. Voltado a pré-vestibulandos e curiosos em geral em assuntos relacionados à Geografia & Atualidades

Canal dedicado a pessoas que buscam uma visão crítica dos principais acontecimentos do mundo. Voltado a pré-vestibulandos e curiosos em geral em assuntos relacionados à Geografia & Atualidades

18. plaqueboymax (@plaqueboymax)

  • 0.0

  • 25k

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Watch Me LIVE on Twitch @plaqueboymax

Watch Me LIVE on Twitch @plaqueboymax

19. Alyssa Kulani (@alyssakulani)

new videos every week baaaabby instagram: @alyssakulani tiktok: @notalyssakulani snapchat: alyssaa_brielle twitter: @alyssakulani business inquiries only: alyssakulani@weareverified.co

new videos every week baaaabby instagram: @alyssakulani tiktok: @notalyssakulani snapchat: alyssaa_brielle twitter: @alyssakulani business inquiries only: alyssakulani@weareverified.co