
20 Best YouTube Channels Ranking Page of 2025 - List 88

March 3, 2025

This is a list of the best YouTube channels and YouTube studios. Find YouTube videos, music and tv to watch, and search for the most viewed youtube videos and channels. Also find similar YouTube accounts to follow.

1. Avon Argentina (@avonargentina)

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1. Avon Argentina (@avonargentina)

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Apoyamos el desarrollo de las mujeres y generamos impacto positivo en sus vidas. Celebramos la belleza en todas sus formas 👩🏼‍🦰🧒🏻 No testeamos en 🐇

Apoyamos el desarrollo de las mujeres y generamos impacto positivo en sus vidas. Celebramos la belleza en todas sus formas 👩🏼‍🦰🧒🏻 No testeamos en 🐇
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2. AshtynSommer (@Ashtynsommer)

Haiii!!! You already know, my name is Ashtyn. I'm full of crazy energy and I want to entertain you. Subscribe and we can be friends, XO. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Send me stuff here: Ashtyn Sommer P.O. #944 Owatonna MN 55060 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ SOCIAL MEDIAS: https://www.instagram.com/ashtynsommer Snapchat: Badash42069

Haiii!!! You already know, my name is Ashtyn. I'm full of crazy energy and I want to entertain you. Subscribe and we can be friends, XO. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Send me stuff here: Ashtyn Sommer P.O. #944 Owatonna MN 55060 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ SOCIAL MEDIAS: https://www.instagram.com/ashtynsommer Snapchat: Badash42069

3. Rudi Berry (@RudiBerry)

BEAUTY & LIFESTYLE Thank you for visiting my channel! You'll find content on makeup, skin care, mental health, and general mid-twenties lady life knowledge on this channel. Stick around!

BEAUTY & LIFESTYLE Thank you for visiting my channel! You'll find content on makeup, skin care, mental health, and general mid-twenties lady life knowledge on this channel. Stick around!

4. whoscrazy (@DJEFN)

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It’s rhetorical • Co-Creator/host of the award winning @drinkchamps podcast 🏅| @officialcrazyhood CEO | 'Coming Home' film series🏅| @fatherhoodspod

It’s rhetorical • Co-Creator/host of the award winning @drinkchamps podcast 🏅| @officialcrazyhood CEO | 'Coming Home' film series🏅| @fatherhoodspod

5. CardBuddys (@cardbuddys)

POSTFACH (für Zuschauerpost): Sascha Steinbrink & Dennis Kazimierek GbR Stichwort: Zuschauerpost Benzstraße 16c 63457 Hanau _____________ IMPRESSUM: Sascha Steinbrink & Dennis Kazimierek GbR Benzstraße 16c 63457 Hanau Telefon: +49 6181 498496 1

POSTFACH (für Zuschauerpost): Sascha Steinbrink & Dennis Kazimierek GbR Stichwort: Zuschauerpost Benzstraße 16c 63457 Hanau _____________ IMPRESSUM: Sascha Steinbrink & Dennis Kazimierek GbR Benzstraße 16c 63457 Hanau Telefon: +49 6181 498496 1

7. diademlori (@diademlori)

berlin stupid daily vlogs 😗🫶🏻 brand ambassador @ardell_de 🤞🏼 💌 diana@dreamer.agency

berlin stupid daily vlogs 😗🫶🏻 brand ambassador @ardell_de 🤞🏼 💌 diana@dreamer.agency


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9. Fonksiyonel Tıp Akademisi (@fonksiyoneltipakademisiorg)

Fonksiyonel Tıp (FT), bildiğimiz, okulda okuduğumuz tıbbın ta kendisinden başka bir şey değil. Buna karşın okulda okuduklarımızın, okulda okumadığımız bir yaklaşımla kronik hastalıklara uygulanmasıdır. Kronik kompleks hastalıkların önlenmesi, erken safhada saptanması ve tedavisinde, bireye has temel biyolojik dengesizliklere çok sayıda birbirinden farklı planda ve eş zamanlı olarak müdahale eden,bireye özgü olmak şartı ile hastalığının altta yatan nedenlerini bulmak ve bu bilgileri gene bu bireyle el ele vererek hastalığını geldiği yoldan geri çevirmeye yönelik olarak kullanmayı amaçlayan bir sağlık yaklaşımıdır.

Fonksiyonel Tıp (FT), bildiğimiz, okulda okuduğumuz tıbbın ta kendisinden başka bir şey değil. Buna karşın okulda okuduklarımızın, okulda okumadığımız bir yaklaşımla kronik hastalıklara uygulanmasıdır. Kronik kompleks hastalıkların önlenmesi, erken safhada saptanması ve tedavisinde, bireye has temel biyolojik dengesizliklere çok sayıda birbirinden farklı planda ve eş zamanlı olarak müdahale eden,bireye özgü olmak şartı ile hastalığının altta yatan nedenlerini bulmak ve bu bilgileri gene bu bireyle el ele vererek hastalığını geldiği yoldan geri çevirmeye yönelik olarak kullanmayı amaçlayan bir sağlık yaklaşımıdır.

10. Hit Network (@2dayfm)

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Stream the Hit Network live, Australia's home of Hits and Old School. play.hit.com.au/listen Listen to podcasts from Australia's best radio shows including Carrie & Tommy, Hughesy & Ed and many many more. Visit Hit.com.au for your local station.

Stream the Hit Network live, Australia's home of Hits and Old School. play.hit.com.au/listen Listen to podcasts from Australia's best radio shows including Carrie & Tommy, Hughesy & Ed and many many more. Visit Hit.com.au for your local station.

11. Freebie Lady (@thefreebielady)

Hi Everyone! I'm Becky, other wise known as " That Freebie Lady " . I have been a freebie and Free Samples addicts for as long as I can remember. The thrill of getting something for nothing never gets old for me. My channel is dedicated to teaching you how to get tons of Free stuff! My BLOG : http://freebieLady.com Business inquires: beckyguiles@gmail.com Check me out on other places: 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefreebielady 👍 FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bestf... 🌎 Blog: http://www.freebielady.com/ 🎵 TicTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@freebielady 💼 Business Inquiries : BeckyGuiles@gmail.com

Hi Everyone! I'm Becky, other wise known as " That Freebie Lady " . I have been a freebie and Free Samples addicts for as long as I can remember. The thrill of getting something for nothing never gets old for me. My channel is dedicated to teaching you how to get tons of Free stuff! My BLOG : http://freebieLady.com Business inquires: beckyguiles@gmail.com Check me out on other places: 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefreebielady 👍 FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bestf... 🌎 Blog: http://www.freebielady.com/ 🎵 TicTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@freebielady 💼 Business Inquiries : BeckyGuiles@gmail.com

12. Just Tennille (@Justtennille)

Hey Guys...what's going on It's Tennille 😘💕 Welcome to my channel! Subscribe for daily comedy reactions, vlogs, and lifestyle videos!

Hey Guys...what's going on It's Tennille 😘💕 Welcome to my channel! Subscribe for daily comedy reactions, vlogs, and lifestyle videos!

13. Le cul de poule (@melanie.leculdepoule)

Le cul de poule vous propose des recettes végétaliennes pour le quotidien, des astuces pour vous organiser en cuisine et des pistes de réflexion pour adopter un mode de vie vegan progressivement. C'est un complément au blog qui propose énormément de recettes et de reflexions.

Le cul de poule vous propose des recettes végétaliennes pour le quotidien, des astuces pour vous organiser en cuisine et des pistes de réflexion pour adopter un mode de vie vegan progressivement. C'est un complément au blog qui propose énormément de recettes et de reflexions.

14. Marii Marii (@Marii.Marii.24)

Soy latina 🇺🇸🇲🇽 Cuenta segundaria @onlymari24 📍Los Angeles | Scorpio ♏️ other names: marimari24 Seductionscorpio ♏️ Marii.marii24

Soy latina 🇺🇸🇲🇽 Cuenta segundaria @onlymari24 📍Los Angeles | Scorpio ♏️ other names: marimari24 Seductionscorpio ♏️ Marii.marii24

15. Fraser Edwards (@fraseredwards)

I'm Fraser, a musician from Scotland! Thanks for visiting my channel! Here you will find my music and other wacky stuff related to it! You can find my music here on YouTube as well as Spotify, Apple Music, and all the usual places! In addition to my solo releases as Fraser Edwards, I am also the guitarist for the power metal band Ascension and the guitarist and creator of Sharky Sharky - the Rock band for kids! As a guitarist and music producer, I've worked with many other bands and musicians in my time also, including Metalite, Axenstar, Captain Black Beard, Janet Devlin, Autumn's Mourning, and I've even collaborated with DragonForce on Twitch! My new album 'The Reckoning' is available now at all online stores. Links to everything here: https://linktr.ee/fraseredwards

I'm Fraser, a musician from Scotland! Thanks for visiting my channel! Here you will find my music and other wacky stuff related to it! You can find my music here on YouTube as well as Spotify, Apple Music, and all the usual places! In addition to my solo releases as Fraser Edwards, I am also the guitarist for the power metal band Ascension and the guitarist and creator of Sharky Sharky - the Rock band for kids! As a guitarist and music producer, I've worked with many other bands and musicians in my time also, including Metalite, Axenstar, Captain Black Beard, Janet Devlin, Autumn's Mourning, and I've even collaborated with DragonForce on Twitch! My new album 'The Reckoning' is available now at all online stores. Links to everything here: https://linktr.ee/fraseredwards

16. 民主進步黨 (@DPPpodcast)

民主進步黨Democratic Progressive Party(Taiwan),又稱民進黨DPP(Taiwan),成立於1986年9月28日,目前黨主席為蔡英文,秘書長為林錫耀。 概況: 一九四五年二次世界大戰終結,國民黨政府以其外來政權的本質,為了能在台灣有效鞏固執政地位,實行威權統治。在國家機器嚴厲的操控下,思想言論自由被高度箝制,表象平和的環境氛圍裡潛藏了嚴重的階層對立與不安,民間的社會力更亟待掙脫束縛。一九八○年代開始,這股長期蘊積的動能與人民對衝破威權體制追求公平正義的渴望,深化成為追求民主改革的巨大力量,反對運動在台灣社會波瀾壯闊地開展起來,激起一波又一波強烈的關注與迴響。一九八六年九月二十八日,在長夜將盡的最後黑暗處,在人民凝視期待的熱切目光中,第一個孕育自台灣母體的本土化政黨—民主進步黨Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan(DPP),正式誕生。

民主進步黨Democratic Progressive Party(Taiwan),又稱民進黨DPP(Taiwan),成立於1986年9月28日,目前黨主席為蔡英文,秘書長為林錫耀。 概況: 一九四五年二次世界大戰終結,國民黨政府以其外來政權的本質,為了能在台灣有效鞏固執政地位,實行威權統治。在國家機器嚴厲的操控下,思想言論自由被高度箝制,表象平和的環境氛圍裡潛藏了嚴重的階層對立與不安,民間的社會力更亟待掙脫束縛。一九八○年代開始,這股長期蘊積的動能與人民對衝破威權體制追求公平正義的渴望,深化成為追求民主改革的巨大力量,反對運動在台灣社會波瀾壯闊地開展起來,激起一波又一波強烈的關注與迴響。一九八六年九月二十八日,在長夜將盡的最後黑暗處,在人民凝視期待的熱切目光中,第一個孕育自台灣母體的本土化政黨—民主進步黨Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan(DPP),正式誕生。

17. Crypto Investidor (@cryptoinvestidor)

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A Crypto Investidor é uma empresa de educação financeira de criptomoedas com o objetivo principal de maximizar o aprendizado e crescimento financeiro de nossos seguidores. Oferecemos análises de mercado, sinais de trade, tutoriais, atendimento vip e muito mais! Acesse Acesse https://linktr.ee/cryptoinvestidor

A Crypto Investidor é uma empresa de educação financeira de criptomoedas com o objetivo principal de maximizar o aprendizado e crescimento financeiro de nossos seguidores. Oferecemos análises de mercado, sinais de trade, tutoriais, atendimento vip e muito mais! Acesse Acesse https://linktr.ee/cryptoinvestidor

18. Miles Fisher (@milesfisher)

Hi - I'm Miles and this the easiest way to learn everything you'd want to know: http://linktr.ee/milesfisher

Hi - I'm Miles and this the easiest way to learn everything you'd want to know: http://linktr.ee/milesfisher

19. Lacey Claire Rogers (@LaceyClaireRogers)

Hiya guys! It's Lacey Claire Rogers, thank you so much for stopping by my channel! A lot of you have been wanting to see more of me, so here I am debuting on Youtube! Feel Free to leave a comment or message me any questions or requests you guys would like me to film and what you want to see! I read all the comments and I cannot believe how kind and supportive all of you are. Every word you say truly uplifts me and I can't thank you enough for becoming a part of my Youtube family, Follow me on other social media site where I post more often about whats happening in my life! Follow me: @laceyclaireRogers TIKTOK: @thelaceyclaire5 SNAPCHAT: @laceyclaire_3 INSTAGRAM: @thelaceyclaire TWITTER: @thelaceyclaire FACEBOOK: Lacey Claire Rogers

Hiya guys! It's Lacey Claire Rogers, thank you so much for stopping by my channel! A lot of you have been wanting to see more of me, so here I am debuting on Youtube! Feel Free to leave a comment or message me any questions or requests you guys would like me to film and what you want to see! I read all the comments and I cannot believe how kind and supportive all of you are. Every word you say truly uplifts me and I can't thank you enough for becoming a part of my Youtube family, Follow me on other social media site where I post more often about whats happening in my life! Follow me: @laceyclaireRogers TIKTOK: @thelaceyclaire5 SNAPCHAT: @laceyclaire_3 INSTAGRAM: @thelaceyclaire TWITTER: @thelaceyclaire FACEBOOK: Lacey Claire Rogers


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WWW.TWITCH.TV/ROSEMONDY Management & PR: RosemondyKontakt@gmail.com

WWW.TWITCH.TV/ROSEMONDY Management & PR: RosemondyKontakt@gmail.com


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20 Best YouTube Channels Ranking Page of 2025 - List 88

March 3, 2025

This is a list of the best YouTube channels and YouTube studios. Find YouTube videos, music and tv to watch, and search for the most viewed youtube videos and channels. Also find similar YouTube accounts to follow.

1. Avon Argentina (@avonargentina)

Apoyamos el desarrollo de las mujeres y generamos impacto positivo en sus vidas. Celebramos la belleza en todas sus formas 👩🏼‍🦰🧒🏻 No testeamos en 🐇

Apoyamos el desarrollo de las mujeres y generamos impacto positivo en sus vidas. Celebramos la belleza en todas sus formas 👩🏼‍🦰🧒🏻 No testeamos en 🐇

2. AshtynSommer (@Ashtynsommer)

Haiii!!! You already know, my name is Ashtyn. I'm full of crazy energy and I want to entertain you. Subscribe and we can be friends, XO. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Send me stuff here: Ashtyn Sommer P.O. #944 Owatonna MN 55060 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ SOCIAL MEDIAS: https://www.instagram.com/ashtynsommer Snapchat: Badash42069

Haiii!!! You already know, my name is Ashtyn. I'm full of crazy energy and I want to entertain you. Subscribe and we can be friends, XO. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Send me stuff here: Ashtyn Sommer P.O. #944 Owatonna MN 55060 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ SOCIAL MEDIAS: https://www.instagram.com/ashtynsommer Snapchat: Badash42069

3. Rudi Berry (@RudiBerry)

BEAUTY & LIFESTYLE Thank you for visiting my channel! You'll find content on makeup, skin care, mental health, and general mid-twenties lady life knowledge on this channel. Stick around!

BEAUTY & LIFESTYLE Thank you for visiting my channel! You'll find content on makeup, skin care, mental health, and general mid-twenties lady life knowledge on this channel. Stick around!

4. whoscrazy (@DJEFN)

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It’s rhetorical • Co-Creator/host of the award winning @drinkchamps podcast 🏅| @officialcrazyhood CEO | 'Coming Home' film series🏅| @fatherhoodspod

It’s rhetorical • Co-Creator/host of the award winning @drinkchamps podcast 🏅| @officialcrazyhood CEO | 'Coming Home' film series🏅| @fatherhoodspod

5. CardBuddys (@cardbuddys)

POSTFACH (für Zuschauerpost): Sascha Steinbrink & Dennis Kazimierek GbR Stichwort: Zuschauerpost Benzstraße 16c 63457 Hanau _____________ IMPRESSUM: Sascha Steinbrink & Dennis Kazimierek GbR Benzstraße 16c 63457 Hanau Telefon: +49 6181 498496 1

POSTFACH (für Zuschauerpost): Sascha Steinbrink & Dennis Kazimierek GbR Stichwort: Zuschauerpost Benzstraße 16c 63457 Hanau _____________ IMPRESSUM: Sascha Steinbrink & Dennis Kazimierek GbR Benzstraße 16c 63457 Hanau Telefon: +49 6181 498496 1

7. diademlori (@diademlori)

berlin stupid daily vlogs 😗🫶🏻 brand ambassador @ardell_de 🤞🏼 💌 diana@dreamer.agency

berlin stupid daily vlogs 😗🫶🏻 brand ambassador @ardell_de 🤞🏼 💌 diana@dreamer.agency


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9. Fonksiyonel Tıp Akademisi (@fonksiyoneltipakademisiorg)

Fonksiyonel Tıp (FT), bildiğimiz, okulda okuduğumuz tıbbın ta kendisinden başka bir şey değil. Buna karşın okulda okuduklarımızın, okulda okumadığımız bir yaklaşımla kronik hastalıklara uygulanmasıdır. Kronik kompleks hastalıkların önlenmesi, erken safhada saptanması ve tedavisinde, bireye has temel biyolojik dengesizliklere çok sayıda birbirinden farklı planda ve eş zamanlı olarak müdahale eden,bireye özgü olmak şartı ile hastalığının altta yatan nedenlerini bulmak ve bu bilgileri gene bu bireyle el ele vererek hastalığını geldiği yoldan geri çevirmeye yönelik olarak kullanmayı amaçlayan bir sağlık yaklaşımıdır.

Fonksiyonel Tıp (FT), bildiğimiz, okulda okuduğumuz tıbbın ta kendisinden başka bir şey değil. Buna karşın okulda okuduklarımızın, okulda okumadığımız bir yaklaşımla kronik hastalıklara uygulanmasıdır. Kronik kompleks hastalıkların önlenmesi, erken safhada saptanması ve tedavisinde, bireye has temel biyolojik dengesizliklere çok sayıda birbirinden farklı planda ve eş zamanlı olarak müdahale eden,bireye özgü olmak şartı ile hastalığının altta yatan nedenlerini bulmak ve bu bilgileri gene bu bireyle el ele vererek hastalığını geldiği yoldan geri çevirmeye yönelik olarak kullanmayı amaçlayan bir sağlık yaklaşımıdır.

10. Hit Network (@2dayfm)

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Stream the Hit Network live, Australia's home of Hits and Old School. play.hit.com.au/listen Listen to podcasts from Australia's best radio shows including Carrie & Tommy, Hughesy & Ed and many many more. Visit Hit.com.au for your local station.

Stream the Hit Network live, Australia's home of Hits and Old School. play.hit.com.au/listen Listen to podcasts from Australia's best radio shows including Carrie & Tommy, Hughesy & Ed and many many more. Visit Hit.com.au for your local station.

11. Freebie Lady (@thefreebielady)

Hi Everyone! I'm Becky, other wise known as " That Freebie Lady " . I have been a freebie and Free Samples addicts for as long as I can remember. The thrill of getting something for nothing never gets old for me. My channel is dedicated to teaching you how to get tons of Free stuff! My BLOG : http://freebieLady.com Business inquires: beckyguiles@gmail.com Check me out on other places: 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefreebielady 👍 FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bestf... 🌎 Blog: http://www.freebielady.com/ 🎵 TicTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@freebielady 💼 Business Inquiries : BeckyGuiles@gmail.com

Hi Everyone! I'm Becky, other wise known as " That Freebie Lady " . I have been a freebie and Free Samples addicts for as long as I can remember. The thrill of getting something for nothing never gets old for me. My channel is dedicated to teaching you how to get tons of Free stuff! My BLOG : http://freebieLady.com Business inquires: beckyguiles@gmail.com Check me out on other places: 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefreebielady 👍 FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bestf... 🌎 Blog: http://www.freebielady.com/ 🎵 TicTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@freebielady 💼 Business Inquiries : BeckyGuiles@gmail.com

12. Just Tennille (@Justtennille)

Hey Guys...what's going on It's Tennille 😘💕 Welcome to my channel! Subscribe for daily comedy reactions, vlogs, and lifestyle videos!

Hey Guys...what's going on It's Tennille 😘💕 Welcome to my channel! Subscribe for daily comedy reactions, vlogs, and lifestyle videos!

13. Le cul de poule (@melanie.leculdepoule)

Le cul de poule vous propose des recettes végétaliennes pour le quotidien, des astuces pour vous organiser en cuisine et des pistes de réflexion pour adopter un mode de vie vegan progressivement. C'est un complément au blog qui propose énormément de recettes et de reflexions.

Le cul de poule vous propose des recettes végétaliennes pour le quotidien, des astuces pour vous organiser en cuisine et des pistes de réflexion pour adopter un mode de vie vegan progressivement. C'est un complément au blog qui propose énormément de recettes et de reflexions.

14. Marii Marii (@Marii.Marii.24)

Soy latina 🇺🇸🇲🇽 Cuenta segundaria @onlymari24 📍Los Angeles | Scorpio ♏️ other names: marimari24 Seductionscorpio ♏️ Marii.marii24

Soy latina 🇺🇸🇲🇽 Cuenta segundaria @onlymari24 📍Los Angeles | Scorpio ♏️ other names: marimari24 Seductionscorpio ♏️ Marii.marii24

15. Fraser Edwards (@fraseredwards)

I'm Fraser, a musician from Scotland! Thanks for visiting my channel! Here you will find my music and other wacky stuff related to it! You can find my music here on YouTube as well as Spotify, Apple Music, and all the usual places! In addition to my solo releases as Fraser Edwards, I am also the guitarist for the power metal band Ascension and the guitarist and creator of Sharky Sharky - the Rock band for kids! As a guitarist and music producer, I've worked with many other bands and musicians in my time also, including Metalite, Axenstar, Captain Black Beard, Janet Devlin, Autumn's Mourning, and I've even collaborated with DragonForce on Twitch! My new album 'The Reckoning' is available now at all online stores. Links to everything here: https://linktr.ee/fraseredwards

I'm Fraser, a musician from Scotland! Thanks for visiting my channel! Here you will find my music and other wacky stuff related to it! You can find my music here on YouTube as well as Spotify, Apple Music, and all the usual places! In addition to my solo releases as Fraser Edwards, I am also the guitarist for the power metal band Ascension and the guitarist and creator of Sharky Sharky - the Rock band for kids! As a guitarist and music producer, I've worked with many other bands and musicians in my time also, including Metalite, Axenstar, Captain Black Beard, Janet Devlin, Autumn's Mourning, and I've even collaborated with DragonForce on Twitch! My new album 'The Reckoning' is available now at all online stores. Links to everything here: https://linktr.ee/fraseredwards

16. 民主進步黨 (@DPPpodcast)

民主進步黨Democratic Progressive Party(Taiwan),又稱民進黨DPP(Taiwan),成立於1986年9月28日,目前黨主席為蔡英文,秘書長為林錫耀。 概況: 一九四五年二次世界大戰終結,國民黨政府以其外來政權的本質,為了能在台灣有效鞏固執政地位,實行威權統治。在國家機器嚴厲的操控下,思想言論自由被高度箝制,表象平和的環境氛圍裡潛藏了嚴重的階層對立與不安,民間的社會力更亟待掙脫束縛。一九八○年代開始,這股長期蘊積的動能與人民對衝破威權體制追求公平正義的渴望,深化成為追求民主改革的巨大力量,反對運動在台灣社會波瀾壯闊地開展起來,激起一波又一波強烈的關注與迴響。一九八六年九月二十八日,在長夜將盡的最後黑暗處,在人民凝視期待的熱切目光中,第一個孕育自台灣母體的本土化政黨—民主進步黨Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan(DPP),正式誕生。

民主進步黨Democratic Progressive Party(Taiwan),又稱民進黨DPP(Taiwan),成立於1986年9月28日,目前黨主席為蔡英文,秘書長為林錫耀。 概況: 一九四五年二次世界大戰終結,國民黨政府以其外來政權的本質,為了能在台灣有效鞏固執政地位,實行威權統治。在國家機器嚴厲的操控下,思想言論自由被高度箝制,表象平和的環境氛圍裡潛藏了嚴重的階層對立與不安,民間的社會力更亟待掙脫束縛。一九八○年代開始,這股長期蘊積的動能與人民對衝破威權體制追求公平正義的渴望,深化成為追求民主改革的巨大力量,反對運動在台灣社會波瀾壯闊地開展起來,激起一波又一波強烈的關注與迴響。一九八六年九月二十八日,在長夜將盡的最後黑暗處,在人民凝視期待的熱切目光中,第一個孕育自台灣母體的本土化政黨—民主進步黨Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan(DPP),正式誕生。

17. Crypto Investidor (@cryptoinvestidor)

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A Crypto Investidor é uma empresa de educação financeira de criptomoedas com o objetivo principal de maximizar o aprendizado e crescimento financeiro de nossos seguidores. Oferecemos análises de mercado, sinais de trade, tutoriais, atendimento vip e muito mais! Acesse Acesse https://linktr.ee/cryptoinvestidor

A Crypto Investidor é uma empresa de educação financeira de criptomoedas com o objetivo principal de maximizar o aprendizado e crescimento financeiro de nossos seguidores. Oferecemos análises de mercado, sinais de trade, tutoriais, atendimento vip e muito mais! Acesse Acesse https://linktr.ee/cryptoinvestidor

18. Miles Fisher (@milesfisher)

Hi - I'm Miles and this the easiest way to learn everything you'd want to know: http://linktr.ee/milesfisher

Hi - I'm Miles and this the easiest way to learn everything you'd want to know: http://linktr.ee/milesfisher

19. Lacey Claire Rogers (@LaceyClaireRogers)

Hiya guys! It's Lacey Claire Rogers, thank you so much for stopping by my channel! A lot of you have been wanting to see more of me, so here I am debuting on Youtube! Feel Free to leave a comment or message me any questions or requests you guys would like me to film and what you want to see! I read all the comments and I cannot believe how kind and supportive all of you are. Every word you say truly uplifts me and I can't thank you enough for becoming a part of my Youtube family, Follow me on other social media site where I post more often about whats happening in my life! Follow me: @laceyclaireRogers TIKTOK: @thelaceyclaire5 SNAPCHAT: @laceyclaire_3 INSTAGRAM: @thelaceyclaire TWITTER: @thelaceyclaire FACEBOOK: Lacey Claire Rogers

Hiya guys! It's Lacey Claire Rogers, thank you so much for stopping by my channel! A lot of you have been wanting to see more of me, so here I am debuting on Youtube! Feel Free to leave a comment or message me any questions or requests you guys would like me to film and what you want to see! I read all the comments and I cannot believe how kind and supportive all of you are. Every word you say truly uplifts me and I can't thank you enough for becoming a part of my Youtube family, Follow me on other social media site where I post more often about whats happening in my life! Follow me: @laceyclaireRogers TIKTOK: @thelaceyclaire5 SNAPCHAT: @laceyclaire_3 INSTAGRAM: @thelaceyclaire TWITTER: @thelaceyclaire FACEBOOK: Lacey Claire Rogers


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WWW.TWITCH.TV/ROSEMONDY Management & PR: RosemondyKontakt@gmail.com

WWW.TWITCH.TV/ROSEMONDY Management & PR: RosemondyKontakt@gmail.com